noun বিশেষ্য পদ

Zoning meaning in assamese


  • Definition

    dividing an area into zones or sections reserved for different purposes such as residence and business and manufacturing etc.

    এটা অঞ্চলক বিভিন্ন উদ্দেশ্য যেনে বাসস্থান আৰু ব্যৱসায় আৰু উৎপাদন আদিৰ বাবে সংৰক্ষিত জ'ন বা অংশত বিভক্ত কৰা।

  • Example

    We need to change the zoning on the south side to allow for a new distillery.

    আমি দক্ষিণ দিশৰ জ’নিং সলনি কৰি নতুন ডিষ্টিলেৰীৰ সুবিধা দিব লাগিব।

noun বিশেষ্য পদ

Zoning meaning in assamese


  • Definitions

    1. Legislative action for the purpose of regulating the use of property and the construction of buildings within the area under the jurisdiction of the legislative body concerned.

    সংশ্লিষ্ট বিধানসভাৰ অধীনস্থ অঞ্চলৰ ভিতৰত সম্পত্তিৰ ব্যৱহাৰ আৰু অট্টালিকা নিৰ্মাণ নিয়ন্ত্ৰণৰ উদ্দেশ্যে আইনগত ব্যৱস্থা।

  • Examples:
    1. These towers are not only the product of advances in construction technology – and a global surfeit of super-rich buyers – but a zoning policy that allows a developer to acquire unused airspace nearby, add it to their own lot, and erect a vast structure without any kind of public review process taking place.

  • 2. The use of zones, such as fare zones.

    জ’নৰ ব্যৱহাৰ, যেনে ভাড়া জ’ন।

  • Examples:
    1. The system of zoning would lead logically to the introduction of the modern ticket barriers from 1987 (the Underground Ticketing System, or UTS), in that it allowed the software in the ticket gates to be relatively simple.