adjective विशेषण

Malthusian meaning in bhojpuri

माल्थुसियन के बा

  • Definition

    of or relating to Thomas Malthus or to Malthusianism

    के या थॉमस माल्थस से संबंधित या माल्थसवाद से संबंधित

  • Example

    Malthusian theories

    माल्थसियन सिद्धांतन के बारे में बतावल गइल बा

adjective विशेषण

Malthusian meaning in bhojpuri

माल्थुसियन के बा

  • Definitions

    1. Of, or relating to Thomas Malthus (1766–1834) or his views on human population and world resources.

    के, या थॉमस माल्थस (1766–1834) से संबंधित या मानव जनसंख्या आ बिस्व संसाधन सभ पर इनके बिचार सभ के।

  • Examples:
    1. A mixture of this Malthusian and ethno-nationalist thinking is being distilled into political campaigning, as in a political pamphlet described in Turner and Bailey’s research paper from SVP, the largest party in Switzerland’s federal assembly, which shows a city crowded by people and cars belching out pollution, with a tagline that translates to “stop massive immigration”.

    2. For first, this college life, opening to scholarships, and ending, perchance, as you political economists would desire, in Malthusian fellowships,—premiums for celibacy,— consider what manner of thing it is!

  • Synonyms

    Malthusian catastrophe (माल्थसियन प्रलय के बात बा)

    Malthusian check (माल्थसियन चेक के बा)

    Malthusianism (माल्थुसियनवाद के नाम से जानल जाला)

    neo-Malthusian (नव-माल्थसियन के बा)

    Malthusian trap (माल्थसियन के जाल बा)

    Malthusian crunch (माल्थसियन क्रंच के बा)

    Malthusian crisis (माल्थुसियन संकट के बा)

    Malthusian spectre (माल्थसियन भूत के बा)

noun संज्ञा

Malthusian meaning in bhojpuri

माल्थुसियन के बा

  • Definitions

    1. A supporter of the ideas of Thomas Malthus.

    थॉमस माल्थस के विचारन के समर्थक।

  • Examples:
    1. As Tess grew older, and began to see how matters stood, she felt quite a Malthusian towards her mother for thoughtlessly giving her so many little sisters and brothers, when it was such a trouble to nurse and provide for them.