adjective विशेषण

Portuguese meaning in bhojpuri

पुर्तगाली के बा

  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    of or relating to or characteristic of Portugal or the people of Portugal or their language

    पुर्तगाल भा पुर्तगाल के लोग भा ओह लोग के भाषा के भा ओकरा से संबंधित भा विशेषता वाला

  • Example

    Portuguese wines are less famous than Spanish wines.

    पुर्तगाली वाइन स्पेनिश वाइन के तुलना में कम परसिद्ध बाड़ी सऽ।

  • Synonyms

    Lusitanian (लुसिटानियन के बा)

noun संज्ञा

Portuguese meaning in bhojpuri

पुर्तगाली के बा

  • Definition

    the Portuguese language

    पुर्तगाली भाषा के नाम से जानल जाला

  • Example

    Portuguese is the main language of Brazil and Portugal.

    पुर्तगाली ब्राजील आ पुर्तगाल के मुख्य भाषा हवे।

noun संज्ञा

Portuguese meaning in bhojpuri

पुर्तगाली के बा

  • Definition

    collectively, the people of Portugal

    सामूहिक रूप से पुर्तगाल के लोग के

  • Example

    The Portuguese have a prominent place in the history of sailing.

    नौकायन के इतिहास में पुर्तगाली लोग के प्रमुख स्थान बा।

adjective विशेषण

Portuguese meaning in bhojpuri

पुर्तगाली के बा

  • Definitions

    1. Of or pertaining to the region of Portugal.

    पुर्तगाल के क्षेत्र के या संबंधित।

  • Examples:
    1. The British army had already moved over the border and the commander had established his HQ high in the central Portuguese mountains at Viseu.

  • 2. Of or pertaining to the people of Portugal or their culture.

    पुर्तगाल के लोग भा ओह लोग के संस्कृति के भा ओह लोग से संबंधित.

  • Examples:
    1. In San Diego County there is but one Portuguese fisherman, as is also the case in Los Angeles, the county immediately adjoining.

  • 3. Of or pertaining to the Portuguese language.

    पुर्तगाली भाषा के भा ओकरा से संबंधित।

  • Examples:
    1. The latter feature indicates that a Portuguese consonant cannot constitute the nucleus of a syllable.

  • Synonyms

    Portingal (पोर्टिंगल के बा)

    Portuguese man-of-war (पुर्तगाली युद्ध के आदमी)

    Portuguese guitar (पुर्तगाली गिटार के बा)

noun संज्ञा

Portuguese meaning in bhojpuri

पुर्तगाली के बा

  • Definitions

    1. A person native to, or living in, Portugal.

    पुर्तगाल के मूल निवासी, भा पुर्तगाल में रहे वाला ब्यक्ति।

  • Examples:
    1. Beresford required all materials for coatees, waistcoats and pantaloons to be sent out unmade, as the Portuguese were perfectly capable of making the suits up properly after delivery.

    2. With a view to securing its more efficient working, a Portuguese was placed in charge of the entire department as Vidane.