adjective विशेषण

Shavian meaning in bhojpuri

शवियन के ह

  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    of or relating to George Bernard Shaw or his works

    जॉर्ज बर्नार्ड शॉ भा उनकर रचना के भा ओह से संबंधित

adjective विशेषण

Shavian meaning in bhojpuri

शवियन के ह

  • Definitions

    1. Of or relating to George Bernard Shaw or his works.

    जॉर्ज बर्नार्ड शॉ भा उनकर रचना के भा ओह से संबंधित.

  • Examples:
    1. Possibly more than any other Shavian character, Undershaft engenders critical disagreement and discussion, even among the other characters in the play who call him “wicked” and “immoral” and refer to him in Devilish terms such as “Mephistoles” and “The Prince of Darkness”.

  • 2. Of or relating to the Shavian alphabet.

    शावियन वर्णमाला के भा ओकरा से संबंधित।

  • Examples:
    1. As late as the 1960s, Shaw's own Androcles and the Lion was published in his revised alphabet—but the fact that few people have even heard of the Shavian spelling reform shows how futile the effort has been.

  • Synonyms

    Shavianismus (शावियानिज्म के नाम से जानल जाला)

    Shavian alphabet (शवियन वर्णमाला के बा)

    Shaviana (शवियाना के बा)

    Shavianism (शवियनवाद के बारे में बतावल गइल बा)

    Shavianized (शवियन हो गइल)

    Shavianity (शवियनिटी के बा)