adjective विशेशण

Anglo-Saxon meaning in konkani


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    of or relating to the Anglo-Saxons or their language

    अँग्लो-सॅक्सन लोकांचो वा तांच्या भाशेकडेन संबंदीत आशिल्लो

  • Example

    Anglo-Saxon poetry

    अँग्लो-सॅक्सन कविता

adjective विशेशण

Anglo-Saxon meaning in konkani


  • Definitions

    1. Related to nations which speak primarily English and influenced by English culture and customs; especially Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States.

    मुखेलपणान इंग्लीश उलोवपी आनी इंग्लीश संस्कृताय आनी चालीरितींचो प्रभाव आशिल्ल्या राश्ट्रांकडेन संबंदीत; खास करून ऑस्ट्रेलिया, कॅनडा, न्यूझीलंड, युनायटेड किंगडम आनी अमेरिकेचीं संयुक्त संस्थानां.

  • Examples:
    1. Ethnography thus aims at record- ing as accurately as possible the respective modes of life of various groups. Ethnology, on the other hand, utilizes for comparative purposes (the nature of which will be explained below) the data provided by the ethnographer. Thus, ethnography has the same meaning in all countries, and ethnology corresponds approximately to what is known in Anglo-Saxon countries—where the term eth- nology has become obsolete—as social or cultural anthropology.

noun नाम

Anglo-Saxon meaning in konkani


  • Definitions

    1. Profanity, especially words derived from Old English.

    अश्लीलताय, खास करून पोरन्या इंग्लीशींतल्यान मेळिल्लीं उतरां.

  • Examples:
    1. How fucked up is that? (Pardon my Anglo-Saxon)

    2. I haven't eaten in two days. What's left to puke? You may remark that my vocabulary has taken a turn for the Anglo-Saxon.

  • Synonyms

    WASP (वास्प)