adjective विशेशण

Socratic meaning in konkani

सॉक्रेटिक हांणी केला

  • Definition

    of or relating to Socrates or to his method of teaching

    सॉक्रेटीसाचो वा ताचेकडेन संबंदीत आशिल्लो वा ताचे शिकोवपाचे पद्दतीकडेन संबंदीत आशिल्लो

  • Example

    Socratic teaching

    सॉक्रेटीक शिकवण

noun नाम

Socratic method meaning in konkani

सॉक्रेटीस पद्दत

  • Definition

    a method of teaching by question and answer

    प्रस्न आनी जाप दिवन शिकोवपाची एक पद्दत

  • Synonyms

    maieutic method (maieutic पद्दत)