adjective विशेषण

Zestful meaning in hindi


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    marked by spirited enjoyment

    उत्साही आनंद द्वारा चिह्नित

  • Example

    The hedonists devoted themselves to a zestful enjoyment of life.

    हेदोनिस्टों ने खुद को जीवन के उत्साहपूर्ण आनंद के लिए समर्पित कर दिया।

  • Synonyms

    yeasty (फेनिल)

adjective विशेषण

Zestful meaning in hindi


  • Definitions

    1. Having a spirited love of life; ebullient.

    जीवन के प्रति उत्साही प्रेम होना; प्रफुल्लित।

  • Examples:
    1. Debonair youth! The spurs, the wide felt hat, the open shirt, the belt holding the array of small pouches, including a holstered revolver, the delight in the long stock-whip having a bright green silk cracker to produce loud reports, ranging from slow rifle fire to the rat-tat-tat of a machine-gun, all told the story of zestful youth.

  • 2. Eager, enthusiastic.

    उत्सुक, उत्साही।

  • Examples:
    1. the former priest, by now habituated to military life, and even zestful for it, enlisted under the new young king, with the rank of captain.

    2. there appeared a narrowly patriotic government, which presently developed into an aggressive, vindictive and pitiless dictatorship, and set itself at once to the zestful persecution of the unfortunate ethnic minorities

  • Synonyms

    zestfulness (उत्साह)

    zestfully (उत्साह से)

adverb क्रिया-विशेषण

Zestfully meaning in hindi

उत्साह से

  • Definition

    vigorously and with enthusiastic enjoyment

    जोरदार और उत्साही आनंद के साथ

  • Definition

    I scrubbed the floors of the new apartment zestfully.

    मैंने उत्साहपूर्वक नए अपार्टमेंट के फर्श की सफाई की।

  • Synonyms

    zestily (उत्साह से)

noun संज्ञा

Zestfulness meaning in hindi


  • Definition

    vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment

    जोरदार और उत्साही आनंद

  • Definition

    Your zestfulness is contagious!

    आपका उत्साह संक्रामक है!

  • Synonyms

    zest (उत्तेजकता)