adjective विशेषण

Gothic meaning in maithili


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    of or relating to the Goths

    गोथ के या गोथ से संबंधित

  • Example

    Gothic migrations

    गॉथिक प्रवासन

adjective विशेषण

Gothic meaning in maithili


  • Definition

    of or relating to the language of the ancient Goths

    प्राचीन गोथ के भाषा के या उससे संबंधित |

  • Example

    the Gothic Bible translation

    गॉथिक बाइबिल अनुवाद

adjective विशेषण

Gothic meaning in maithili


  • Definition

    characteristic of the style of type commonly used for printing German

    जर्मन मुद्रण के लिये आमतौर पर प्रयोग किया जाने वाला प्रकार की शैली की विशेषता |

adjective विशेषण

Gothic meaning in maithili


  • Definitions

    1. Barbarous, rude, unpolished, belonging to the “Dark Ages”, medieval as opposed to classical.

    बर्बर, अभद्र, अनपॉलिश, “डार्क एज” स संबंधित, शास्त्रीय के विपरीत मध्यकालीन |

  • Examples:
    1. Enormities which gleam like comets through the darkness of gothic and superstitious ages.

    2. “[W]hat he holds of all things to be most gothic, is gallantry to the women.”

  • 2. Of or relating to the architectural style favored in Western Europe in the 12th to 16th centuries, with high-pointed arches, clustered columns, etc.

    12वीं स 16वीं सदी में पश्चिमी यूरोप में पसंदीदा वास्तुकला शैली के या संबंधित, उच्च नुकीला मेहराब, समूहबद्ध स्तंभ आदि के साथ |

  • Examples:
    1. Gothic arches

    2. Or does the L.C.C. [London County Council] dislike nineteenth century Gothic?

    3. The Gothic style did not cease to exist: it did, however, cease to be all-powerful, and it almost ceased to create new forms. Gothic architects had by this time drawn every possible conclusion from the premises which had been laid down

  • 3. Of or relating to the style of fictional writing associated with the Gothic Revival, emphasizing violent or macabre events in a mysterious, desolate setting.

    गॉथिक पुनर्जागरण स॑ जुड़लऽ काल्पनिक लेखन के शैली के या ओकरा स॑ संबंधित, रहस्यमय, उजाड़ परिवेश म॑ हिंसक या भयानक घटना प॑ जोर दै वाला ।

  • Examples:
    1. Gothic tales

    2. Shelley's two early novels Zastrozzi and St. Irvyne are, as many scholars have noted, obviously connected to the tradition of the Gothic novel; as well, two volumes of early poetry contain Gothic elements and his tragedy The Cenci has been

  • 4. Of or relating to the goth subculture, music or lifestyle.

    गोथ उपसंस्कृति, संगीत या जीवनशैली के या संबंधित |

  • Examples:
    1. Gothic rock$V$Gothic dress

    2. Why is this gothic glam so popular?

  • Synonyms

    Gothish (गोथिश)

    neo-Gothic (नव-गॉथिक)

    Moesogothic (मोएसोगोथिक)

    Suio-Gothic (सुइओ-गॉथिक)

    Visigothic (विसिगोथिक)

    neogothic (नवगोथिक)

    gothic rock (गॉथिक चट्टान)

    Mesogothic (मेसोगोथिक)

    gothic (गोथिक)

    goth (गोथ)

noun संज्ञा

Gothic meaning in maithili


  • Definitions

    1. A novel written in the Gothic style.

    गोथिक शैली में लिखा एक उपन्यास।

  • Examples:
    1. One hundred fifty Gothics sold over 1.5 million copies a month last spring.

noun संज्ञा

Gothic arch meaning in maithili

गॉथिक मेहराब

  • Definition

    a pointed arch

    एकटा नुकीला मेहराब