adjective విశేషణము

Bolshevik meaning in telugu


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    of or relating to Bolshevism

    బోల్షివిజం లేదా సంబంధించినది

  • Example

    Bolshevik Revolution

    బోల్షివిక్ విప్లవం

  • Synonyms

    Bolshevist (బోల్షెవిస్ట్)

    Bolshevistic (బోల్షెవిస్టిక్)

noun నామ వాచకము

Bolshevik meaning in telugu


  • Definition

    emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries

    తీవ్ర రాడికల్స్ లేదా విప్లవకారులను సూచించడానికి ఉపయోగించే భావోద్రేక పదాలు

  • Synonyms

    Marxist (మార్క్సిస్టు)

noun నామ వాచకము

Bolshevik meaning in telugu


  • Definitions

    1. A Russian communist revolutionary, member of the Bolshevik Party in the 1917 Communist Revolution of Russia.

    ఒక రష్యన్ కమ్యూనిస్ట్ విప్లవకారుడు, 1917 రష్యా కమ్యూనిస్ట్ విప్లవంలో బోల్షెవిక్ పార్టీ సభ్యుడు.

  • Examples:
    1. But such points were on the whole lost in the picture as it appeared in gross: everyone had confessed, the Old Bolsheviks had publicly avowed disgraceful plans and actions. The whole business almost passed belief. Were the confessions true? How had they been obtained? What did it all signify? We are told that the confessions were as little believed in Russia as abroad, ‘or even less’, but that the average Soviet citizen who had not been in jail found them as puzzling as foreigners did.