adjective اسم صفت

Andean meaning in urdu


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    relating to the Andes and their inhabitants

    اینڈیز اور ان کے باشندوں سے متعلق

adjective اسم صفت

Andean meaning in urdu


  • Definitions

    1. Of or pertaining to the Andes mountains in South America.

    جنوبی امریکہ میں اینڈیز پہاڑوں سے متعلق یا اس سے متعلق۔

  • Examples:
    1. Under the later Inca professional farms, the whole of the realm from the coast to the upper Amazon River became a flowering centre of plant domestication. More than half of the foods that the world eats today were developed by these Andean farmers. More kinds of food and medicinal plants were systematically cultivated here than in any other area of the world. Among them are potatoes, squash, tomatoes, beans, peanuts, peppers, papaya, cashews, pineapples, chocolate, avocadoes, mulberries, strawberries.