verb فعل

Balkanize meaning in urdu


  • Definition

    to divide a territory into small, hostile states

    کسی علاقے کو چھوٹی، دشمن ریاستوں میں تقسیم کرنا

  • Example

    The issue Balkanised the country.

    اس مسئلے نے ملک کو بلقان بنا دیا۔

verb فعل

Balkanize meaning in urdu


  • Definitions

    1. To break up into small, mutually-hostile units, especially on a political basis.

    چھوٹی چھوٹی، باہمی دشمنی والی اکائیوں میں بٹ جانا، خاص طور پر سیاسی بنیادوں پر۔

  • Examples:
    1. The Pentagon and the CIA were being Balkanized, partially dismantled, and a Congressional investigation had focused on Screaming Fist.