noun اسم

Corinthian meaning in urdu


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    a man devoted to the pursuit of pleasure

    لذت کے حصول کے لیے وقف ایک آدمی

  • Synonyms

    man-about-town (شہر کے بارے میں آدمی)

    playboy (پلے بوائے)

adjective اسم صفت

Corinthian meaning in urdu


  • Definitions

    1. Of the Corinthian Greek order.

    کورنتھیائی یونانی ترتیب کا۔

  • Examples:
    1. The silver waters of the spring had long since disappeared, but there still were left a few of the Corinthian pillars, some stretched on the ground and overgrown with creeping-plants, while two or three yet remained erect, and showed how graceful the whole must have been.

  • 2. Debauched in character or practice; impure.

    کردار یا عمل میں بے حیائی؛ ناپاک

  • Examples:
    1. all her young Corinthian laity

  • 3. Being a sporting event (originally in horse racing and yachting) restricted to gentleman amateurs.

    کھیلوں کا ایک ایونٹ ہونے کے ناطے (اصل میں گھوڑوں کی دوڑ اور یاٹنگ میں) جنٹلمین شوقیہ افراد تک محدود ہے۔

  • Examples:
    1. Corinthian Stakes of 10 Guineas ... To be rode by Gentlemen.

    2. In Corinthian matches the yachts are steered and manned by gentlemen alone,

    3. It was a condition of the race, that the horses should be ridden by gentlemen ... [I]t was submitted, that if none were to be reputed in the rank of gentlemen, whose wives had not been visited by Lady Clanricarde, the notion of a Corinthian Race might as well be given up at once, within twenty miles all round Portumna castle. It would amount, in fact, to a disgentilizing of two or three counties.

    4. [W]e have horse races ... whereat the aforesaid noble animals are ridden by gentlemen, and if I err not are named "Corinthian."

  • Synonyms

    Corinthian helmet (کورنتھین ہیلمیٹ)

    Corinthian bronze (کورنتھین کانسی)

    Corinthian spirit (کرنتھین روح)

    Corinthianize (Corinthianize)

    Corinthianism (کورنتھیانزم)

    Corinthian order (کورنتھیوں کا حکم)

    Corinthian brass (کورنتھین پیتل)