verb क्रिया

Win back meaning in bhojpuri

वापस जीत लिहल जाव

  • Definition

    recover something or somebody that appeared to be lost

    कवनो चीज भा केहू के बरामद कइल जवन हेराइल लउकत होखे

  • Synonyms

    get back (वापस आ जाइए)

verb क्रिया

Win back meaning in bhojpuri

वापस जीत लिहल जाव

  • Definitions

    1. To win (something) that one has previously lost.

    (कुछ) जीते खातिर जवन केहू पहिले हार चुकल होखे।

  • Examples:
    1. He lost $1000 in one hand, and spent most of the night trying to win it back.

    2. A lovely crisp exhaust: a feeling of almost unlimited power combined with complete freedom of running: and, to crown it all, a most melodious and wholly American chime whistle—these were my immediate impressions as we stormed rapidly out of Göttingen, intent on winning back some of the lost time.

  • 2. To regain favour (with).

    एहसान वापस पावे खातिर (साथे)।

  • Examples:
    1. Illinois Sen. Barack Obama talks with Renee Montagne about his call for Democrats to reach out to evangelical Christians. Republicans have long laid claim to that powerful voting block. He believes that Democrats can win them back with issues like the drive to end poverty.