noun संज्ञा

Worker bee meaning in bhojpuri

मजदूर मधुमक्खी के बा

  • Definition

    sterile bee specialized to collect food and maintain the hive

    बाँझ मधुमक्खी भोजन एकट्ठा करे आ छत्ता के रखरखाव खातिर विशेषज्ञता रखेले

noun संज्ञा

Worker bee meaning in bhojpuri

मजदूर मधुमक्खी के बा

  • Definitions

    1. A sterile bee whose speciality is to support the hive, especially by collecting pollen.

    बाँझ मधुमक्खी जेकर बिसेसता छत्ता के सहारा दिहल होला, खासतौर पर पराग एकट्ठा क के।

  • Examples:
    1. Then, a worker bee has got six thousand eyes of each side of its head so it can see the flowers that it wants to get the pollen and the nectar from.