noun संज्ञा

Wrought iron meaning in bhojpuri

गढ़ल लोहा के बा

  • Definition

    iron having a low carbon content that is tough and malleable and so can be forged and welded

    लोहा जवना में कार्बन के मात्रा कम होला जे कठोर आ नमनीय होला आ एही से एकरा के जाली आ वेल्डिंग कइल जा सके ला

noun संज्ञा

Wrought iron meaning in bhojpuri

गढ़ल लोहा के बा

  • Definitions

    1. A tough, malleable, ductile form of iron that is forged rather than cast, suitable for welding.

    लोहा के एगो कठोर, नमनीय, नमनीय रूप जे ढलाई के बजाय जालीदार होला, वेल्डिंग खातिर उपयुक्त होला।

  • Examples:
    1. Wrought iron is essentially iron that has been worked so that its carbon content is radically reduced. For the purposes of rail bridge-building in the 19th century, this proved revolutionary, and highly advantageous over the dangerously brittle properties of cast iron.