noun नाम

Yellow fever meaning in konkani

हळडुवो जोर येवप

  • Definition

    caused by a flavivirus transmitted by a mosquito

    मच्छराक लागून जावपी फ्लॅव्हिव्हायरसाक लागून जाता

  • Example

    The workers contracted yellow fever while digging the canal.

    कामगारांक कालवो खणतना हळडुवो जोर जालो.

  • Synonyms

    yellow jack (हळडुवो जॅक)

noun नाम

Yellow fever meaning in konkani

हळडुवो जोर येवप

  • Definitions

    1. An acute febrile illness of tropical regions, caused by a flavivirus (Yellow fever virus) and spread by certain mosquitoes, characterised by jaundice, black vomit and the absence of urination.

    उश्ण कटिबंधीय वाठारांतली एक तीव्र जोराची दुयेंस, फ्लॅव्हिव्हायरस (हळडुव्या जोराचो व्हायरस) हाका लागून जावपी आनी कांय मच्छरांनी पातळपी, काळजाचो काळोख, काळो उलटी आनी मुताचो अभाव.

  • Examples:
    1. The town up the road was overcome by yellow fever, he said. All travelers warned away.

  • 2. A lust for gold; an obsession with seeking gold ore.

    भांगराची एक वासना; भांगराचें धातुक सोदपाचो एक वेस.

  • Examples:
    1. An onze a day, two a day, or three—every one has the gold or yellow fever. Last night several of the most respectible American residents of this town arrived home from a visit to the gold regions.

    2. But the true yellow fever that has abounded in the lower gold-bearing valleys around Guanay can possibly illustrate in sickness what takes place in actuality among the sons of men who are seduced by the lust for gold.

    3. He's got the yellow fever; Once get the sight of gold and you are poisoned.

    4. In the stories he wrote and published about the gold rush, Dickens does not resolve characters' feelings of class resentment so much as explain them in non-political terms Dickens spreads this strain of 'yellow fever' among his characters, making their labour unrest seem both understandable and pathological.

  • Synonyms

    yellow-fever mosquito (हळडुव्या जोराचो मच्छर)

    Aedes aegypti (एडीज एजिप्टी हें नांव)