verb क्रिया

Write down meaning in hindi


  • Definition

    reduce the estimated value of something

    किसी चीज का अनुमानित मूल्य कम करना

  • Synonyms

    expense (व्यय)

verb क्रिया

Write down meaning in hindi


  • Definition

    put down in writing

    लिख कर रखना

  • Synonyms

    set down (निर्धारित करना)

    put down (नीचा दिखाना)

    get down (नीचे उतरना)

verb क्रिया

Write down meaning in hindi


  • Definitions

    1. To write (something) in a simple or condescending style.

    सरल या कृपालु शैली में (कुछ) लिखना।

  • Examples:
    1. Good heavens, I can't write down to the level of the vulgar public!