noun नाम

Prince Albert meaning in marathi

प्रिन्स अल्बर्ट

  • Definition

    a man's double-breasted frock coat

    पुरुषाचा डबल-ब्रेस्टेड फ्रॉक कोट

noun नाम

Prince Albert meaning in marathi

प्रिन्स अल्बर्ट

  • Definition

    a male genital piercing, typically through the urethra

    पुरुषाचे जननेंद्रियाचे छेदन, विशेषत: मूत्रमार्गाद्वारे

  • Example

    I always thought a Prince Albert would be painful to get.

    मला नेहमी वाटायचे की प्रिन्स अल्बर्ट मिळणे वेदनादायक असेल.


Prince Albert meaning in marathi

प्रिन्स अल्बर्ट

  • Definitions

    1. Short for Prince Albert coat.

    प्रिन्स अल्बर्ट कोट साठी लहान.

  • Examples:
    1. and, by the way it fitted him, someone had loaned him a Prince Albert for the occasion, so old that it was green, instead of black, and frayed along the bottom.