pronoun సర్వ నామము

Y'all meaning in telugu


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    second person plural pronoun, contraction of "you all"

    రెండవ వ్యక్తి బహువచన సర్వనామం, "మీరందరూ" సంకోచం

  • Example

    I don't know about y'all, but I'm ready for bed.

    మీ గురించి నాకు తెలియదు, కానీ నేను పడుకోవడానికి సిద్ధంగా ఉన్నాను.

pronoun సర్వ నామము

Y'all meaning in telugu


  • Definitions

    1. plural of you

    మీరు యొక్క బహువచనం

  • Examples:
    1. Much later, after dozens of the men had come up to me to shake my hand (with both of theirs) and say "Y'all come back soon, hear?

    2. People in the South do indeed seem to be addressing a single person as "y'all." For instance, a restaurant patron might ask a waiter, "What y'all got for dessert tonight?" In that case, "y'all" refers collectively to the people who run the restaurant.

    3. and this y'all know is true,

  • Synonyms

    Y'all Qaeda (యాల్ ఖైదా)

    y'all means all (y'all అంటే అన్నీ)

verb క్రియ

Y'all meaning in telugu


  • Definitions

    1. To use the pronoun "y'all" (to).

    "y'all" (to) సర్వనామం ఉపయోగించడానికి.

  • Examples:
    1. Indeed, non-Southerners may feel themselves "y'alled" to death down here, yet even the most stony- faced New Englander will be charmed by the warmth of the Cloister's staff. The tradition of service is simply better and more deeply entrenched in the South than in any other region of the United States.

    2. She blithely maintained that she could have smiled magnolias and "y'alled" her way out of any tight spots.

    3. With his swarthy complexion and jet black, straight hair, Louis was actually quite dashing. He wore his expensively cut clothes and heavy rings well, too. Besides his short stature, his most noticeable peculiarity was that he had a voice like Lytton Strachey's, which moved alarmingly, in the middle of a sentence, or sometimes halfway through a word, from a booming bass to the high-pitched, almost whistling soprano of a boy whose voice has not yet broken. As he y'alled and drawled