noun বিশেষ্য পদ

Acquaintanceship meaning in assamese

চিনাকি হোৱা

  • Definition

    a relationship less intimate than friendship

    বন্ধুত্বতকৈ কম অন্তৰংগ সম্পৰ্ক

  • Synonyms

    acquaintance (চিনাকি ব্যক্তি)

noun বিশেষ্য পদ

Acquaintanceship meaning in assamese

চিনাকি হোৱা

  • Definitions

    1. The state of being acquainted.

    চিনাকি হোৱাৰ অৱস্থা।

  • Examples:
    1. To host and hostess thus with fortune blest, Lief had I come with better news to bear Unto your greeting and acquaintanceship;

    2. What, eschew acquaintanceship? forget, After my most hearty commendations, my very trusty friend, ’Twere sin and shame Tomaso.

    3. When they talked down the telephone he heard a man whom he might respect at the other end of it — a fellow who sounded willing to let bygones be bygones and passion acquaintanceship.

    4. Without effort, she took them with her into her ever widening circle of acquaintanceship, and the two Avonlea girls found their social pathway at Redmond made very easy and pleasant for them

  • 2. A relationship as acquaintances.

    চিনাকি হিচাপে এটা সম্পৰ্ক।

  • Examples:
    1. A growing distaste for the forced acquaintanceships of travel and a craving for home brought me back.

    2. I have already spoken to them through my window to begin an acquaintanceship.

    3. It was an acquaintanceship formed partly out of boredom, partly for mutual protection

    4. They began their acquaintanceship very lovingly, and after a shake or two by the hand, Bell gave him a more particular account of the uses and sanctity of his office

    5. because she felt a strange freedom—even a security—in having decided that no acquaintanceship could end in anything untoward, she felt emboldened to sometimes do and say such things to men