adjective বিশেষণ পদ

Additional meaning in assamese


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    further or added

    অধিক বা যোগ কৰা হৈছে

  • Example

    called for additional troops

    অতিৰিক্ত সৈন্যৰ আহ্বান জনায়

  • Synonyms

    extra (অতিৰিক্ত)

adjective বিশেষণ পদ

Additional meaning in assamese


  • Definitions

    1. Supplemental or added to something.

    পৰিপূৰক বা কিবা এটাৰ লগত যোগ কৰা।

  • Examples:
    1. Nevertheless, it is clear that the global energy demand for air-conditioning will grow substantially as nations become more affluent, . This trend will put additional strain not only on global energy resources but also on the environmental prospects of a warming planet.

    2. Why this already very fast train should be speeded up still further, when none of the other more easily timed S.R. West of England trains has a single minute pared from its schedule, is unexplained - unless this is a playful dig at the Western Region, most of whose expresses, by reason of additional stops, will be decelerated from the same date.

  • Synonyms

    epi- (epi-)

    additionally (অতিৰিক্তভাৱে)

    additional accompaniment (অতিৰিক্ত সংগীত)

noun বিশেষ্য পদ

Additional meaning in assamese


  • Definitions

    1. Something added.

    কিবা এটা যোগ কৰিলে।

  • Examples:
    1. For having received, from my Lord, an Additional, of great Importance; which was, that Owen, of his own Accord, after Examination, should compare the Case of your Majesty, (if you were Excommunicate,) to the Case, of a Prisoner, Condemned at the Barr; which Additional was subscribed by one Witness; but yet I perceived it was spoken aloud, and in the Hearing of others; I presently sent down a Copy thereof

    2. having been well vers’d in British Histories, and a singular lover of Antiquities, [he] made many additionals to the Historie of Cambria published by Dav. Powell

adverb ক্ৰিয়া বিশেষণ

Additionally meaning in assamese


  • Definition

    in addition, by way of addition

    ইয়াৰ উপৰিও সংযোজনৰ দ্বাৰা

  • Synonyms

    to boot (বুট কৰিবলৈ)