verb ক্ৰিয়া

Advantage meaning in assamese


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    to give an advantage to

    সুবিধা দিবলৈ

  • Example

    This system advantages the rich.

    এই ব্যৱস্থাই ধনী লোকক সুবিধা দিয়ে।

noun বিশেষ্য পদ

Advantage meaning in assamese


  • Definition

    benefit resulting from some event or action

    কোনো এটা পৰিঘটনা বা কাৰ্য্যৰ ফলত হোৱা লাভ

  • Example

    it turned out to my advantage

    মোৰ সুবিধাৰ বাবেই হ’ল৷

  • Synonyms

    reward (পুৰস্কাৰ)

noun বিশেষ্য পদ

Advantage meaning in assamese


  • Definition

    the quality of having a superior or more favorable position

    উচ্চ বা অধিক অনুকূল অৱস্থান থকাৰ গুণ

  • Example

    The experience gave them the advantage over me.

    অভিজ্ঞতাই তেওঁলোকক মোৰ ওপৰত সুবিধা দিলে।

  • Synonyms

    vantage (vantage)

noun বিশেষ্য পদ

Advantage meaning in assamese


  • Definition

    (tennis) first point scored after deuce

    (টেনিছ) ডুচৰ পিছত প্ৰথম পইণ্ট লাভ কৰা

verb ক্ৰিয়া

Advantage meaning in assamese


  • Definitions

    1. to do something for one's own benefit; to take advantage of

    নিজৰ লাভৰ বাবে কিবা এটা কৰা; সুবিধা ল'বলৈ

  • Examples:
    1. No man of courage vouchsafeth to advantage himselfe [translating s'avantager] of that which is common unto many.

  • Synonyms

    favorise (favorise)

    benefit (লাভ)

    favor (পক্ষপাত)

    advantageable (সুবিধাজনক)

noun বিশেষ্য পদ

Advantage meaning in assamese


  • Definitions

    1. Any condition, circumstance, opportunity or means, particularly favorable or chance to success, or to any desired end.

    যিকোনো চৰ্ত, পৰিস্থিতি, সুযোগ বা উপায়, বিশেষকৈ অনুকূল বা সফলতাৰ সুযোগ, বা যিকোনো আকাংক্ষিত উদ্দেশ্য।

  • Examples:
    1. The enemy had the advantage of a more elevated position.

    2. Give me advantage of some brief discourse.

    3. In his submission to the UN, [Christof] Heyns points to the experience of drones. Unmanned aerial vehicles were intended initially only for surveillance, and their use for offensive purposes was prohibited, yet once strategists realised their perceived advantages as a means of carrying out targeted killings, all objections were swept out of the way.

    4. the advantages of a close alliance

  • 2. Superiority; mastery; — used with of to specify its nature or with over to specify the other party.

    শ্ৰেষ্ঠত্ব; আয়ত্ত; — ইয়াৰ প্ৰকৃতি ধাৰ্য্য কৰিবলৈ of ৰ সৈতে বা আন পক্ষক ধাৰ্য্য কৰিবলৈ over ৰ সৈতে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়।

  • Examples:
    1. Lest Satan should get an advantage of us.

  • 3. The continuation of the game after a foul against the attacking team, because the attacking team are in an advantageous position.

    আক্ৰমণাত্মক দলৰ বিৰুদ্ধে ফাউলৰ পিছত খেল অব্যাহত ৰখা, কাৰণ আক্ৰমণাত্মক দলটো সুবিধাজনক অৱস্থাত থাকে।

  • Examples:
    1. Webb played an advantage that enabled Cazorla to supply a low cross from the left for Giroud to sweep home first time, despite Gallas and Vertonghen being in close attendance.

  • 4. Interest of money; increase; overplus (as the thirteenth in the baker's dozen).

    ধনৰ সুত; বৃদ্ধি কৰা; অভাৰপ্লাছ (বেকাৰৰ ডজনত তেৰতম হিচাপে)।

  • Examples:
    1. And with advantage means to pay thy love.

  • Synonyms

    pro (pro)

    benefit (লাভ)

    upside (ওলোটাকৈ)

    perk (perk)

    vantage (vantage)

    ad (ad)

    foredeal (foredeal)

    drawback (অসুবিধা)

    disadvantage (অসুবিধা)

    mechanical advantage (যান্ত্ৰিক সুবিধা)

    rest of advantage (বাকী সুবিধা)

    play the advantage (সুবিধা খেলা)

    home field advantage (হোম ফিল্ডৰ সুবিধা)

    home advantage (ঘৰুৱা সুবিধা)

    take advantage of (সুবিধা লওক)

    to one's advantage (নিজৰ সুবিধাৰ বাবে)

    take at advantage (সুবিধা লওক)

    take advantage (সুবিধা লওক)

    comparative advantage (তুলনামূলক সুবিধা)

    selective advantage (নিৰ্বাচিত সুবিধা)

    have the advantage (সুবিধা আছে)

    advantageous (সুবিধাজনক)

    have the advantage of someone (কাৰোবাৰ সুবিধা আছে)

    advantageousness (সুবিধাজনকতা)

    advantage ground (সুবিধাৰ ভিত্তি)

    competitive advantage (প্ৰতিযোগিতামূলক সুবিধা)

    absolute advantage (নিৰপেক্ষ সুবিধা)

    advantageously (সুবিধাজনকভাৱে)

adjective বিশেষণ পদ

Advantageous meaning in assamese


  • Definition

    giving an advantage

    সুবিধা দি

  • Definition

    a contract advantageous to our country

    আমাৰ দেশৰ বাবে সুবিধাজনক চুক্তি

adjective বিশেষণ পদ

Advantageous meaning in assamese


  • Definition

    appropriate for achieving a particular end

    এটা বিশেষ উদ্দেশ্য সাধনৰ বাবে উপযুক্ত

adverb ক্ৰিয়া বিশেষণ

Advantageously meaning in assamese


  • Definition

    in a manner affording benefit or advantage

    সুবিধা বা সুবিধা প্ৰদান কৰা ধৰণেৰে

  • Synonyms

    well (বাৰু)

noun বিশেষ্য পদ

Advantageousness meaning in assamese


  • Definition

    the quality of being encouraging or promising of a successful outcome

    সফল ফলাফলৰ বাবে উৎসাহজনক বা আশাব্যঞ্জক হোৱাৰ গুণ

  • Synonyms

    positivity (ইতিবাচকতা)