adjective বিশেষণ পদ

Affirmatory meaning in assamese


  • Definition

    affirming or giving assent

    সন্মতি দৃঢ় কৰা বা দিয়া

  • Synonyms

    affirmative (affirmative)

adjective বিশেষণ পদ

Affirmatory meaning in assamese


  • Definitions

    1. Giving affirmation; assertive; affirmative.

    দৃঢ়তা দিয়া; নিশ্চয়াত্মক; affirmative.

  • Examples:
    1. The House being resolved into a committee to consider the state of the nation , Mr . Pitt moved three resolutions , the first , declaratory of the King's disability ; the second , affirmatory of the right and duty of both Houses to provide for the exercise of royal authority