adjective বিশেষণ পদ

All-night meaning in assamese

গোটেই ৰাতিটো

  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    lasting, open, or operating through the whole night

    গোটেই ৰাতিটো স্থায়ী, মুকলি বা চলি থকা

  • Synonyms

    overnight (ৰাতিটোৰ ভিতৰতে)

adjective বিশেষণ পদ

All-night meaning in assamese

গোটেই ৰাতিটো

  • Definitions

    1. Lasting throughout the whole night (or most of it)

    গোটেই ৰাতিটো (বা ইয়াৰ বেছিভাগ) স্থায়ী

  • Examples:
    1. an all-night party

    2. The former G.E.R. all-night service between Liverpool Street and Chingford, at hourly intervals, is revived.

  • Synonyms

    all-nighter (গোটেই ৰাতিটো)