noun বিশেষ্য পদ

Yarmulke meaning in assamese


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    a skullcap worn by Jews, especially at prayer

    ইহুদীসকলে বিশেষকৈ প্ৰাৰ্থনাৰ সময়ত পিন্ধা মূৰৰ খুলি

  • Example

    I wore my yarmulke to church.

    গীৰ্জালৈ যাবলৈ মোৰ য়াৰমুলকে পিন্ধিছিলো।

  • Synonyms

    null (খালী)

noun বিশেষ্য পদ

Yarmulke meaning in assamese


  • Definitions

    1. A skullcap worn by religious Jewish males (especially during prayer).

    ধৰ্মীয় ইহুদী পুৰুষে (বিশেষকৈ প্ৰাৰ্থনাৰ সময়ত) পিন্ধা এটা মূৰৰ খুলি।

  • Examples:
    1. And I always feel uncomfortable during the High Holy Days watching people in yarmulkes rushing through the streets, knowing they’ll be swaying and moaning something ancient and indecipherable, even to me.

    2. But once Dr. Levenson, who works for the Indian Health Service and wears a colorful tapestry yarmulke, has alerted the tiny network, it almost seems as if we have stepped into Yiddishland.