adjective विशेषण

Abject meaning in bhojpuri

घृणित बा

  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    showing humiliation or submissiveness

    अपमान भा अधीनता देखावत बा

  • Example

    an abject apology

    एगो घृणित माफी मांगल गइल

adjective विशेषण

Abject meaning in bhojpuri

घृणित बा

  • Definition

    of the most contemptible kind

    सबसे तिरस्कार करे वाला तरह के

  • Example

    abject cowardice

    घोर कायरता के भाव बा

  • Synonyms

    low (कम)

adjective विशेषण

Abject meaning in bhojpuri

घृणित बा

  • Definition

    most unfortunate or miserable

    सबसे दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण भा दयनीय बा

  • Example

    the most abject slaves joined in the revolt

    सबसे घृणित गुलाम भी विद्रोह में शामिल हो गईले

adjective विशेषण

Abject meaning in bhojpuri

घृणित बा

  • Definition

    showing utter resignation or hopelessness

    सरासर इस्तीफा भा निराशा देखावत बा

  • Example

    abject surrender

    घृणित आत्मसमर्पण के बात बा

  • Synonyms

    unhopeful (निराशाजनक बा)

adjective विशेषण

Abject meaning in bhojpuri

घृणित बा

  • Definitions

    1. Existing in or sunk to a low condition, position, or state; contemptible, despicable, miserable.

    कम स्थिति, स्थिति भा अवस्था में मौजूद भा डूबल; तिरस्कृत, घृणित, दयनीय।

  • Examples:
    1. By hovv much from the top of vvondrous glory, / Strongeſt of mortal men, / To lovveſt pitch of abject fortune thou art fall'n.

    2. Do you think, my dear Mrs. James, if the Tables had been turned, if my Fortune had been as high in the World as yours, and you in my Diſtreſs and abject Condition, that I would not have climbed as high as the Monument to viſit you?

    3. Meanwhile, nearly fifty million dollars were also funnelled through mirror trades to the Khanani network, whose clients include associates of Hezbollah and the Taliban. Deutsche Bank’s reputation was abject even before the mirror-trades scandal broke.

    4. The wide dominion of the Franks was severed into a thousand pieces. Nothing more than a nominal dignity was left to the abject heirs of an illustrious name, Charles the Bald, and Charles the Fat, and Charles the Simple.

    5. These whelpes of the first lytter of gentilitie, these exhalations, drawen vp to the heauen of honour from the dunghill of abiect fortune, haue long been on horsebacke to come riding to your diuellship; but, I know not how, lyke Saint George, they are alwaies mounted but neuer moue.

    6. VVhen as thoſe fallovv Deere, and huge-hancht Stags that graz'd / Vpon her ſhaggy Heaths, the paſſenger amaz'd / To ſee their mighty Heards, vvith high-palmd heads to threat / The vvoods of o'regrovvne Oakes; as though they meant to ſet / Their hornes to th'others heights. / But novv, both thoſe and theſe / Are by vile gaine deuour'd: So abiect are our daies.

    7. [W]ith fierce Winds Orion arm'd / Hath vext the Red-Sea Coaſt, whoſe waves orethrew / Buſiris and his Memphian Chivalrie, / While with perfidious hatred they purſu'd / The Sojourners of Goſhen, who beheld / From the ſafe ſhore their floating Carkaſes / And broken Chariot Wheels, ſo thick beſtrown / Abject and loſt lay theſe, covering the Flood, / Under amazement of their hideous change.

  • 2. Of a person: cast down in hope or spirit; showing utter helplessness, hopelessness, or resignation; also, grovelling; ingratiating; servile.

    कवनो व्यक्ति के: आशा भा भावना में नीचे गिरावल; एकदम लाचारी, निराशा भा इस्तीफा देखावल; भी, ग्रोवेलिंग के काम कइल; अनुग्रहित करे वाला; गुलामी के काम करेला।

  • Examples:
    1. Benbow watched Goodwin seat the old man in a chair, where he sat obediently with that tentative and abject eagerness of a man who has but one pleasure left and whom the world can reach only through one sense, for he was both blind and deaf: a short man with a bald skull and a round, full-fleshed, rosy face in which his cataracted eyes looked like two clots of phlegm.

    2. Every rich and goodnatured lord was pestered by authors with a mendicancy so importunate, and a flattery so abject, as may in our time seem incredible.

    3. Honeſt men who tell their Sovereigns what they expect from them, and what obedience they ſhall be always ready to pay them, are not upon an equal foot with ſuch baſe and abject flatterers; and are therefore always in danger of being the laſt in the Royal favour.

    4. Indeed, I know nothing ſo abject as the behaviour of a man canvaſſing for a ſeat in parliament—

    5. O that I vvere a God, to ſhoot forth Thunder / Vpon theſe paltry, ſeruile, abiect Drudges: / Small things make baſe men proud.

    6. Oh Noble Lord, bethinke thee of thy birth, / Call home thy ancient thoughts from baniſhment, / And baniſh hence theſe abiect lovvlie dreames:

    7. To ſtrike any perſon, even in the moſt abject condition, was a thing in a manner unknown, and would be highly diſgraceful.

    8. We shall not always plant while others reap / The golden increment of bursting fruit, / Not always countenance, abject and mute / That lesser men should hold their brothers cheap;

    9. [T]hoſe common and quotidian infirmities that ſo neceſſarily attend me, and doe ſeeme to be my very nature, have ſo dejected me, ſo broken the eſtimation that I ſhould have othervviſe of my ſelf, that I repute my ſelfe the moſt abjecteſt piece of mortality:

  • Synonyms

    abjectly (घृणित रूप से कहल गइल बा)

    abjectify (अव्यवस्थित करे के बा)

    unabject (बेपरवाह बा)

    abjectification (अपमानजनकता के रूप में जानल जाला)

    abjectness (घृणितता के भाव बा)

verb क्रिया

Abject meaning in bhojpuri

घृणित बा

  • Definitions

    1. To cast off or out (someone or something); to reject, especially as contemptible or inferior.

    (केहू भा कुछ) के फेंकल भा बाहर निकालल; खारिज करे के, खासकर के तिरस्कार करे वाला भा नीच के रूप में।

  • Examples:
    1. Dauid durſt not touch Saul, though he vvas abiected by God.

    2. Rather than abjecting her own fat body, the Ipecac-taking fat girl is abjecting diet culture.

  • 2. To cast down (someone or something); to abase; to debase; to degrade; to lower; also, to forcibly impose obedience or servitude upon (someone); to subjugate.

    (केहू भा कुछुओ) के नीचे फेंकल; नीचा देखावे के; नीचा देखावे खातिर; नीचे गिरल होखे के; नीचे ले आवे खातिर; साथ ही, (केहू पर जबरन आज्ञाकारिता भा दासता थोपल); वश में करे के बा।

  • Examples:
    1. What phrases of abjecting themselves, in respect of the prince, can exceed David's humble expressing of himself to Saul?

  • Synonyms

    abjectedness (घृणित होखे के बात कहल जाला)

    abjected (अपमानित कइल गइल)

noun संज्ञा

Abject meaning in bhojpuri

घृणित बा

  • Definitions

    1. A person in the lowest and most despicable condition; an oppressed person; an outcast; also, such people as a class.

    सबसे निचला आ घृणित हालत में आदमी; एगो दबल-कुचलल आदमी के; एगो बहिष्कृत आदमी के; भी, अइसन लोग के एगो वर्ग के रूप में।

  • Examples:
    1. But in mine aduerſitie they reioyced, and gathered themſelues together: yea, the abiects gathered themſelues together againſt me, & I knew it not, they did teare me, and ceaſed not,

    2. For honour trauels in a ſtraight ſo narrovv, / VVhere one but goes a breaſt, keepe then the path: / if you giue vvay, / Or hedge aſide from the direct forth right; / Like to an entred Tyde, they all ruſh by, / And leaue you hindmoſt: / Or like a gallant Horſe falne in firſt ranke, / Lye there for pauement to the abiect, neere / Ore-run and trampled on:

    3. Hear ye the serf I bred, begin to reckon / Upon his rights and pleasure! Who am I— / Thou abject, who am I, whose will thou thwartest?

    4. Let us look then to the widely-severed ranks of an Asiatic empire.—There is first its wretched and vilified class, upon which the superincumbent structure of the social system presses so heavily as almost to crush existence; Shall these abjects—these victims—these outcasts, know any thing of pleasure?

    5. Nevertheleſſe he thatt comfortith the abiecte⸝ comforted vs at the cõmynge of Titus.

    6. Servants and abjects flout me; they are wittie: / Now propheſie who ſtrikes thee, is their dittie. / So they in me denie themſelves all pitie: / Was ever grief, [like mine?]

    7. VVe are the Queenes abiects and muſt obey.

    8. [T]he subject of a tyrant's will / Became, worse fate, the abject of his own, / Which spurred him, like an outspent horse, to death.

noun संज्ञा

Abjection meaning in bhojpuri

अस्वीकार कइल जाला

  • Definition

    a low or downcast state

    एगो निम्न भा नीचे के अवस्था

  • Synonyms

    degradation (गिरावट के दौर चलत बा)

adverb क्रिया विशेषण

Abjectly meaning in bhojpuri

घृणित रूप से कहल गइल बा

  • Definition

    in a hopeless resigned manner

    निराशाजनक इस्तीफा देके अंदाज में

  • Definition

    They shrugged their shoulders abjectly.

    ऊ लोग घृणित रूप से आपन कंधा झटक दिहल.

  • Synonyms

    resignedly (इस्तीफा दे दिहले)