adverb क्रिया विशेषण

Abnormally meaning in bhojpuri

असामान्य रूप से भइल बा

  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    in an abnormal manner

    असामान्य तरीका से कइल गइल बा

  • Example

    they were behaving abnormally

    उ लोग असामान्य व्यवहार करत रहले

adverb क्रिया विशेषण

Abnormally meaning in bhojpuri

असामान्य रूप से भइल बा

  • Definitions

    1. In an abnormal manner; in a way that deviates from a standard, norm, or average.

    असामान्य तरीका से एगो; अइसन तरीका से जवन कवनो मानक, मानदंड भा औसत से हट जाव.

  • Examples:
    1. Living, as they did, in what appeared to me impenetrable darkness, their eyes were abnormally large and sensitive.