adverb क्रिया विशेषण

Abominably meaning in bhojpuri

घिनौना तरीका से बा

  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    in a terrible manner

    भयानक तरीका से कइल गइल

  • Synonyms

    terribly (भयानक रूप से बा)

adverb क्रिया विशेषण

Abominably meaning in bhojpuri

घिनौना तरीका से बा

  • Definition

    in an offensive and hateful manner

    आपत्तिजनक आ नफरत भरल तरीका से कइल गइल

  • Example

    I don't know anyone who could have behaved so abominably

    हम केहू के नइखी जानत जे एतना घिनौना व्यवहार कर सकत रहे

  • Synonyms

    odiously (घृणित रूप से बा)

    detestably (घृणित रूप से बा)

    repulsively (प्रतिकारात्मक रूप से कहल जाला)

adverb क्रिया विशेषण

Abominably meaning in bhojpuri

घिनौना तरीका से बा

  • Definitions

    1. In an abominable manner; very odiously; detestably.

    घिनौना तरीका से, घिनौना तरीका से; बहुते घृणित तरीका से; घृणित रूप से बा।

  • Examples:
    1. He lit a fire in the dining-room, and the chimney was damp and smoked abominably, so that when he had fed full on tinned meats he was fain to let the fire go out and to sit in his fur-lined overcoat by the becindered grate, now fast growing cold, and smoke pipe after pipe of gloomy reflection.