noun संज्ञा

Wittol meaning in bhojpuri

विटोल के बा

  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    an archaic term for a cuckold who knows about his wife's infidelity but tolerates it

    एगो पुरातन शब्द जवन व्यभिचारी खातिर होला जे अपना मेहरारू के बेवफाई के बारे में जानत होखे बाकिर ओकरा के बर्दाश्त करेला

noun संज्ञा

Wittol meaning in bhojpuri

विटोल के बा

  • Definitions

    1. A man who knows and tolerates his wife's infidelity with another man or men; a mari complaisant.

    जवन आदमी अपना मेहरारू के दोसरा मरद भा मरद का साथे बेवफाई के जानत आ बरदाश्त करेला; एगो मारी शिकायत करे वाला ह.

  • Examples:
    1. God help the husband that obliges his wife's least whim: he'll be a wittol ere he's two years wed!

    2. So the Ifrit cried at her, "Thou whorest and makest me a wittol with thine eyes;" and struck her so that her head went flying.

    3. To see a wittol wink at his wife's honesty, and too perspicuous in all other affairs