verb क्रिया

Yawn meaning in bhojpuri


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    utter a yawn, as from lack of oxygen or when one is tired

    जम्हाई लेबे के बात, जइसे कि ऑक्सीजन के कमी से भा थक गइला पर

  • Example

    The child yawned during the long performance

    लमहर प्रस्तुति के दौरान बच्चा जम्हाई लेत रहे

verb क्रिया

Yawn meaning in bhojpuri


  • Definition

    be wide open

    चौड़ा खुलल होखे के चाहीं

  • Synonyms

    yaw (जम्हाई लेत बानी)

    gape (फाँक के फँसावल जाला)

noun संज्ञा

Yawn meaning in bhojpuri


  • Definition

    an involuntary intake of breath through a wide open mouth

    चौड़ा खुलल मुँह से अनैच्छिक रूप से साँस लेवे के काम

  • Synonyms

    oscitance (दोलन के बात होला)

    oscitancy (दोलन के भाव बा)

    yawning (जम्हाई लेत बानी)

verb क्रिया

Yawn meaning in bhojpuri


  • Definitions

    1. To open the mouth widely and take a long, rather deep breath, often because one is tired or bored, and sometimes accompanied by pandiculation.

    मुँह के चौड़ा खोल के लंबा, बल्कि गहिरा साँस लेवे खातिर, अक्सर एह से कि केहू थक गइल बा भा ऊब गइल बा, आ कबो-कबो पैंडिकुलेशन के साथ भी।

  • Examples:
    1. I could see my students yawning, so I knew the lesson was boring them.

    2. And while above he spends his breath,$V$The yawning audience nod beneath.

  • 2. To say while yawning.

    जम्हाई लेत कहे खातिर।

  • Examples:
    1. “I haven’t the least idea what I want to do,” he yawned.

    2. “Oh,” Sutherland yawned, “I’m too old for this.”

  • 3. To present a wide opening; gape.

    एगो व्यापक उद्घाटन पेश करे खातिर; फाँक के फँसावल जाला।

  • Examples:
    1. The canyon yawns as it has done for millions of years, and we stand looking, dumbstruck.$V$Death yawned before us, and I hit the brakes.

    2. Hell at last Yawning receavd them whole, and on them clos’d,

    3. ’Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn, and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world.

  • 4. To open the mouth, or to gape, through surprise or bewilderment.

    आश्चर्य भा भ्रम के माध्यम से मुँह खोलल, भा फाड़ल।

  • Examples:
    1. Hell being vnder euerie one of their Stages, the Players (if they had owed him a spight) might with a false Trappe doore haue slipt him downe, and there kept him, as a laughing stocke to al their yawning Spectators.

    2. O heavy hour! Methinks it should be now a huge eclipse Of sun and moon, and that the affrighted globe Should yawn at alteration.

  • 5. To be eager; to desire to swallow anything; to express desire by yawning.

    आतुर होखे खातिर; कवनो चीज के निगल जाए के इच्छा होखे; जम्हाई ले के इच्छा के इजहार करे के।

  • Examples:
    1. to yawn for fat livings

    2. Fly not, as thou wert wont, to his embrace, Lest, after one long yawning gaze, he swear Thou art the best good fellow in the world, But he had quite forgotten thee, by Jove!

  • Synonyms

    yawner (जम्हाई लेबे वाला बा)

    yawnable (जम्हाई लेबे लायक बा)

    yawningly (जम्हाई लेत बा)

noun संज्ञा

Yawn meaning in bhojpuri


  • Definitions

    1. The action of yawning; opening the mouth widely and taking a long, rather deep breath, often because one is tired or bored.

    जम्हाई लेबे के क्रिया; मुँह के चौड़ा खोल के लंबा, बल्कि गहिरा साँस लेवे के, अक्सर एह से कि केहू थक गइल बा भा ऊब गइल बा।

  • Examples:
    1. At length, quite exhausted by the attempt to be amused with her own book, which she had only chosen because it was the second volume of his, she gave a great yawn and said, “How pleasant it is to spend an evening in this way! ”

    2. But Mrs. MacWhirr, in the drawing-room , stifled a yawn—perhaps out of self-respect—for she was alone.

  • Synonyms

    yawn-sigh (जम्हाई-आह भरत बा)

    yawnless (जम्हाई ना लेबे वाला)

    yawny (जम्हाई लेत बा)

    multicolour yawn (बहुरंगी जम्हाई होला)

    yawnfest (जम्हाई लेबे के फेस्ट)

    Technicolor yawn (टेक्निकल जम्हाई लेत बा)

    yawnsome (जम्हाई लेत बा)

noun संज्ञा

Yawner meaning in bhojpuri

जम्हाई लेबे वाला बा

  • Definition

    a person who yawns

    जम्हाई लेबे वाला आदमी

  • Definition

    The yawner was embarrassed upon being caught in the act.

    जम्हाई लेबे वाला एह काम में फंसला पर शर्मिंदा हो गइल.

adjective विशेषण

Yawning meaning in bhojpuri

जम्हाई लेत बानी

  • Definition

    gaping open as if threatening to engulf someone or something

    फाँक के खुलल जइसे केहू भा कुछ के अपना चपेट में लेबे के धमकी देत होखे

  • Definition

    The yawning mine shaft was pitch black.

    जम्हाई लेत खदान के शाफ्ट पिच ब्लैक रहे।

adjective विशेषण

Yawning meaning in bhojpuri

जम्हाई लेत बानी

  • Definition

    showing lack of attention or boredom

    ध्यान के कमी भा ऊब देखावत बा

  • Definition

    The teacher tried a new subject to wake the yawning class.

    जम्हाई लेत क्लास के जगावे खातिर मास्टर साहेब एगो नया विषय आजमा के देखले।

  • Synonyms

    drowsy (नींद आ गइल बा)

adjective विशेषण

Yawning meaning in bhojpuri

जम्हाई लेत बानी

  • Definition

    with the mouth wide open indicating boredom or sleepiness

    जवना के मुँह चौड़ा खुलल होखे जवन ऊब भा नींद आवे के संकेत देला

  • Definition

    We put the yawning toddler to bed.

    हम जम्हाई लेत टॉडलर के बिछौना पर सुता देनी।

noun संज्ञा

Yawning meaning in bhojpuri

जम्हाई लेत बानी

  • Definition

    an involuntary intake of breath through a wide open mouth

    चौड़ा खुलल मुँह से अनैच्छिक रूप से साँस लेवे के काम

  • Definition

    Your yawning is contagious.

    राउर जम्हाई संक्रामक बा।

  • Synonyms

    yawn (जम्हाई)