verb क्रिया

Yearn meaning in bhojpuri

तड़प जाला

  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    to have affection for

    के प्रति स्नेह होखे के चाहीं

  • Example

    I yearn for them.

    हम त ओह लोग खातिर तरसतानी।

verb क्रिया

Yearn meaning in bhojpuri

तड़प जाला

  • Definition

    to have a desire for something or someone who is not present

    कवनो चीज भा केहू के इच्छा होखल जवन मौजूद ना होखे

  • Example

    I yearn to go on a trip abroad.

    विदेश के यात्रा पर जाए के तड़पत बानी।

  • Synonyms

    yen (येन के बा)

verb क्रिया

Yearn meaning in bhojpuri

तड़प जाला

  • Definition

    to desire strongly or persistently

    मजबूती से भा लगातार इच्छा करे के

  • Example

    The old couple yearned for simpler times.

    बूढ़ जोड़ा साधारण समय खातिर तरसत रहे।

  • Synonyms

    long (लाम)

verb क्रिया

Yearn meaning in bhojpuri

तड़प जाला

  • Definitions

    1. To have a strong desire for something or to do something; to long for or to do something.

    कवनो चीज के प्रबल इच्छा होखे भा कवनो काम करे के; कवनो काम खातिर तरस के भा करे के.

  • Examples:
    1. All I yearn for is a simple life.

    2. And Jim supported his twitching body by holding on to the sink, the while he yearned toward the yellowish concoction that stood for life.

    3. Anne, please tell me over again that you like me a little bit. I yearn to hear it.

    4. But all that night his body yearned for Alec's, despite him. He called it lustful, a word easily uttered, and opposed it to his work, his family, his friends, his position in society. But his body would not be convinced.

    5. By morning's cheerful glow, but oftener still by evening's gentle light, the child, with a respect for the short and happy intercourse of these two sisters which forbade her to approach and say a thankful word, although she yearned to do so, followed them at a distance in their walks and rambles,

    6. I muſt do that my heart-ſtrings yern to do: but my word's paſt.

    7. What his soul yearned after was control of his father's newly purchased sailing-ship.

    8. You are now before my eyes, my eyes that are ready to flow with tenderness, but cannot give relief to my gushing heart, that dictates what I am now saying, and yearns to tell you all its achings.

  • 2. Of music, words, etc.: to express strong desire or longing.

    संगीत, शब्द आदि के : प्रबल इच्छा भा लालसा के अभिव्यक्ति करे खातिर।

  • Examples:
    1. The music, yearning like a God in pain, / She scarcely heard:

  • 3. To have strong feelings of affection, love, sympathy, etc., toward someone.

    केहू के प्रति स्नेह, प्रेम, सहानुभूति आदि के प्रबल भाव होखल।

  • Examples:
    1. And Joſeph made haſte: for his bowels did yerne upon his brother: and he ſought where to weepe, and hee entred into his chamber, & wept there.

    2. But supper had cheered Tant' Sannie, who found it impossible longer to maintain that decorous silence, and whose heart yearned over the youth.

    3. I have left your mother in the next room. Her heart yearns towards you.

    4. Mr. Ratcliffe’s heart yearned toward the charming girl quite with the sensations of a father, or even of an elder brother.

    5. Oh, it was a pretty sight to see this modest young creature, little more than a child herself, anticipating maternity, but blushing every now and then, and looking askant at her lord and master. How his very bowels yearned over her!

  • 4. To be distressed or pained; to grieve; to mourn.

    व्यथित भा पीड़ा होखे के; दुखी होखे के चाहीं; शोक करे खातिर।

  • Examples:
    1. My father’s and my uncle Toby’s hearts yearn’d with ſympathy for the poor fellow’s diſtreſs,—

  • 5. To cause (someone) to have strong feelings of affection, love, sympathy, etc.; also, to grieve or pain (someone).

    (केहू) के स्नेह, प्रेम, सहानुभूति आदि के प्रबल भाव पैदा करे के; भी, (केहू के) दुखी भा पीड़ा कइल।

  • Examples:
    1. It yernes me not, if men my Garments weare; / Nor care I who doth feed vpon my coſt: / Such outward things dwell not in my deſires. / But if it be a ſinne to couet Honor, / I am the moſt offending Soule aliue.

    2. Wants to sneeze and cannot do it! / Now it yearns me, thrills me, stings me, / Now with rapturous torment wrings me, / Now says “Sneeze, you fool; get through it.”

    3. Well, ſhe laments Sir for it, that it would yern your heart to see it:

    4. When the badger finds that the terriers yearn him in his burrow, he will stop the hole between him and the terriers;

  • Synonyms

    yearnly (तड़प के)

    yearny (तड़पत बानी)

    yearnful (तड़प गइल बा)

    yearnsome (तड़पत बानी)

    yearner (तड़पत बा)

    yearning (तड़पत बा)

noun संज्ञा

Yearn meaning in bhojpuri

तड़प जाला

  • Definitions

    1. A strong desire or longing; a yearning, a yen.

    एगो प्रबल इच्छा भा लालसा; एगो तड़प, एगो येन।

  • Examples:
    1. "After he had made a record date with us in 1935, I always had a yearn for Ben," he said years later.

    2. "My guess, however, is that it has because there are many people who have a yearn for sex outside their relationship but wouldn't have the slightest idea about how to do it or do it safely," Prof Schwartz added.

    3. Gibbs now said he wasn't going to pull any punches with Gary when he knew how jealous a man could get, so he also wanted to tell him that Phil Hansen was reputed to have a yearn for attractive ladies.

adverb क्रिया विशेषण

Yearningly meaning in bhojpuri

तड़प के भाव से

  • Definition

    in a yearning manner

    तड़प के अंदाज में

  • Definition

    The poet yearningly wrote for their lover.

    कवि तड़प से ओह लोग के प्रेमी खातिर लिखले रहले.

  • Synonyms

    longingly (लालसा से भरल बा)

noun संज्ञा

Yearning meaning in bhojpuri

तड़पत बा

  • Definition

    prolonged unfulfilled desire or need

    लंबा समय तक अधूरा इच्छा भा जरूरत

  • Definition

    This yearning for travel will not go away.

    यात्रा के ई तड़प ना जाई।

  • Synonyms

    hungriness (भूख लागल बा)

adjective विशेषण

Yearned-for meaning in bhojpuri

तड़प गइल रहे

  • Definition

    greatly desired

    बहुत वांछित बा

  • Definition

    My yearned-for vacation has been rejected by management again.

    हमार तड़पल छुट्टी के प्रबंधन फेर से खारिज कर दिहले बा.

  • Synonyms

    coveted (लालची बा)

noun संज्ञा

Yearner meaning in bhojpuri

तड़पत बा

  • Definition

    a person with a strong desire for something

    कवनो चीज के प्रबल इच्छा वाला आदमी

  • Definition

    Yearners have to be doers if they want to attain what they desire.

    तड़पत लोग के कर्ता होखे के पड़ेला अगर ऊ जवन चाहत बा ओकरा के हासिल कइल चाहत बा.

  • Synonyms

    longer (लमहर लमहर होखे के चाहीं)