noun संज्ञा

Yelping meaning in bhojpuri

चिल्लात-चिल्लात बा

  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    a sharp high-pitched cry, especially by a dog

    एगो तेज ऊँच आवाज में, खासकर कुकुर के ओर से

  • Example

    The dog's yelping carried through the walls all night long.

    कुकुर के चिल्लाहट रात भर देवालन से गुजरत चलल।

  • Synonyms

    yip (यिप के बा)

noun संज्ञा

Yelping meaning in bhojpuri

चिल्लात-चिल्लात बा

  • Definitions

    1. The act of producing a yelp.

    एगो येल्प पैदा करे के क्रिया।

  • Examples:
    1. While still a pup, / You put him in a sack, then beat it / With a stick. When howls and yelpings die, / You send the houseboi out to set him free.