noun বিশেষ্য

Democratisation meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    the action of making something democratic

    কিছু গণতান্ত্রিক করার ক্রিয়া

  • Synonyms

    democratization (গণতন্ত্রীকরণ)

noun বিশেষ্য

Democratisation meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. Alternative spelling of democratization

    গণতন্ত্রীকরণের বিকল্প বানান

  • Examples:
    1. Finance is seldom romantic. But the idea of peer-to-peer lending comes close. This is an industry that brings together individual savers and lenders on online platforms. Banks and credit-card firms are kept out of the picture. Talk to enough people in the field and someone is bound to mention the “democratisation of finance”.