adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Denuded meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    without the natural or usual covering

    প্রাকৃতিক বা স্বাভাবিক আবরণ ছাড়া

  • Synonyms

    bald (টাক)

adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Denuded meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. exposed by erosion

    ক্ষয় দ্বারা উদ্ভাসিত

  • Examples:
    1. Harvester ants have brilliantly carved an enormous niche for themselves in nature and etched indelible images in mankind: images from cartoon depictions of a backyard volcano erupting with angry ants when their home is trespassed, to images of vast stretches of the American West marred with ant castles surrounded by denuded moats of dirt.