adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Deprecating meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    tending to diminish or disparage

    হ্রাস বা অপমান করার প্রবণতা

  • Synonyms

    deprecative (অবমূল্যায়নকারী)

adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Deprecating meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. In manner that deprecates; insulting; belittling.

    যেভাবে অবমূল্যায়ন করে; অপমানজনক; ছোট করা

  • Examples:
    1. She looked at him with a deprecating smile on her face.$V$He raised his hand with a deprecating gesture.

    2. It is now clear that the term Hobson-Jobson was originally a deprecating Anglo-Indian slang term for the Muharram used particularly in the army and merchant navy but also more widely.

    3. Theodora, with a deprecating look at Arnold Sherman, took his arm, and Ludovic marched her across the green amid a silence which the very horses tied to the storm fence seemed to share. For Ludovic 'twas a crowded hour of glorious life.

  • Synonyms

    self-deprecating (স্ব-অবঞ্চনাকর)

    deprecatingly (অপমানজনকভাবে)