noun বিশেষ্য

Derangement meaning in bengali


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    the act of disturbing the mind or body

    মন বা শরীরকে বিরক্ত করার কাজ

  • Synonyms

    overthrow (উৎখাত)

noun বিশেষ্য

Derangement meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    a state of mental disturbance and disorientation

    মানসিক অস্থিরতা এবং বিভ্রান্তির একটি অবস্থা

  • Synonyms

    mental unsoundness (মানসিক অস্থিরতা)

    unbalance (ভারসাম্যহীনতা)

noun বিশেষ্য

Derangement meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. The property of being deranged.

    বিভ্রান্ত হওয়ার সম্পত্তি।

  • Examples:
    1. His[James Stewart's] postwar roles, full of myopic obsession, stalkerish derangement, and a desire for vengeance, don't seem like ground Hanks is willing to cover.

  • 2. An act or instance of deranging.

    বিভ্রান্ত করার একটি কাজ বা উদাহরণ।

  • Examples:
    1. 8-1. On 21 April 1943, while operating off the Malay Peninsula during her sixth war patrol, GRENADIER sustained heavy damage to the after portion of the ship as the result of a Japanese aircraft depth bomb attack. The most serious casualty which occurred, and which directly caused GRENADIER'S loss, was the complete immobilization of her propulsion plant due to derangement of the main control cubicle and severe misalignment of the propeller shafting. All efforts by ship's force to effect emergency repairs were unsuccessful. Early the next morning, GRENADIER was abandoned and scuttled by her own crew to prevent imminent capture by an approaching Japanese merchant ship.

    2. Young as he was at the time, he had seen the imprudence of Mr. Granard's way of living; he had often remonstrated, and the death of his father, with the subsequent derangement of his affairs, had alone prevented his following up his advice with such assistance as would have made it effectual.

  • Synonyms

    Derangement Syndrome (ডিরেঞ্জমেন্ট সিনড্রোম)

    derangement syndrome (ডিরেঞ্জমেন্ট সিন্ড্রোম)