adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Derogatory meaning in bengali


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    expressive of low opinion

    কম মতামত প্রকাশকারী

  • Example

    derogatory comments

    অবমাননাকর মন্তব্য

  • Synonyms

    derogative (অবমাননাকর)

adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Derogatory meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. Disparaging.


  • Examples:
    1. It was perfectly plain, that fast and far as scandal flies, Lady Anne's words, when derogatory to the Count, and that beloved wife, for whose sake they would have been most resented, had never reached their retreat in Devonshire, much less followed them to distant Italy.

  • 2. Tending to derogate:

    অপমান করার প্রবণতা:

  • Examples:
    1. The Tories knew that the House which should be the first to come to a resolution would have a great advantage over the other. The Commons had determined that, on Monday the twenty-eighth of January, they would take into consideration the state of the nation. The Tory Lords therefore proposed, on Friday the twenty-fifth, to enter instantly on the great business. But Devonshire moved that Tuesday the twenty-ninth should be the day. “By that time,” he said with more truth than discretion, “we may have some lights from below which may be useful for our guidance.” His motion was carried; but his language was severely censured by some of his brother peers as derogatory to their order.

  • Synonyms

    pejorative (নিন্দনীয়)

    honorific (সম্মানজনক)

    derogatorily (অপমানজনকভাবে)

    derogatory clause (অবমাননাকর ধারা)