adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Desolate meaning in bengali


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    crushed by grief

    দুঃখে চূর্ণ

  • Example

    depressed and desolate of soul

    বিষণ্ণ এবং আত্মার নির্জন

adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Desolate meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    providing no shelter or sustenance

    কোন আশ্রয় বা ভরণপোষণ প্রদান

  • Synonyms

    stark (ডাহা)

verb ক্রিয়া বা কাজ

Desolate meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly

    ব্যাপক ধ্বংস বা সম্পূর্ণরূপে ধ্বংস ঘটান

  • Synonyms

    waste (বর্জ্য)

    scourge (আঘাত)

    devastate (ধ্বংস করা)

    lay waste to (নষ্ট করা)

    ravage (ধ্বংস করা)

verb ক্রিয়া বা কাজ

Desolate meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    reduce in population

    জনসংখ্যা হ্রাস

  • Synonyms

    depopulate (জনশূন্য করা)

verb ক্রিয়া বা কাজ

Desolate meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    leave someone who needs or counts on you

    আপনার প্রয়োজন বা নির্ভর করে এমন কাউকে ছেড়ে দিন

  • Synonyms

    forsake (পরিত্যাগ করা)

    abandon (পরিত্যাগ করা)

    desert (মরুভূমি)

adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Desolate meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. Deserted and devoid of inhabitants.

    নির্জন এবং বাসিন্দাদের বঞ্চিত।

  • Examples:
    1. And the silvery marish flowers that throng / The desolate creeks and pools among.

    2. I will make Jerusalem a den of dragons, and I will make the cities of Judah desolate, without an inhabitant.

  • 2. Sad, forlorn and hopeless.

    দু: খিত, অসহায় এবং আশাহীন।

  • Examples:
    1. voice of the poor and desolate

verb ক্রিয়া বা কাজ

Desolate meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. To deprive of inhabitants.

    বাসিন্দাদের বঞ্চিত করা।

  • Examples:
    1. If you consider well of the People of the West-Indies, it is very probable, that they are a newer or younger People, than the People of the old World. And it is much more likely, that the destruction that hath heretofore been there, was not by Earthquakes, but rather, it was Desolated by a particular Deluge: For Earthquakes are seldom in those Parts.

    2. O Righteous Themis, if the Pow’rs above$V$By Pray’rs are bent to pity, and to love;$V$If humane Miseries can move their Mind;$V$If yet they can forgive, and yet be kind;$V$Tell how we may restore, by second birth,$V$Mankind, and people desolated Earth.

    3. York was so desolated just before the survey that it is not easy to estimate its ordinary population

  • 2. To devastate or lay waste somewhere.

    কোথাও ধ্বংস করা বা বর্জ্য ফেলা।

  • Examples:
    1. But in Utopia there will be wide stretches of cheerless or unhealthy or toilsome or dangerous land with never a household; there will be regions of mining and smelting, black with the smoke of furnaces and gashed and desolated by mines, with a sort of weird inhospitable grandeur of industrial desolation, and the men will come thither and work for a spell and return to civilisation again, washing and changing their attire in the swift gliding train.

    2. Then Moath pointed where a cloud Of Locusts, from the desolated fields Of Syria, wing’d their way.

  • 3. To abandon or forsake something.

    কিছু পরিত্যাগ করা বা পরিত্যাগ করা।

  • Examples:
    1. Combining widowed, separated, and divorced elders into a single group ("desolated"), the data indicated that desolated elders were slightly more lonely than either married or never-married older people (although this trend was not statistically significant at the conventional .05 level).

    2. It is not to be supposed that when Cush left Armenia, he left it desolate, and that a rich and long settled country was abandoned altogether; for it would be an absurd way of founding an universal empire, to desolate one country in order to people another.

    3. This completion of the Temple and attack upon Christians is the event that marks the apostasy that causes desolation, the detestable act that causes God to desolate (abandon) and destroy the Temple for the last time.

  • 4. To make someone sad, forlorn and hopeless.

    কাউকে দুঃখী, নিঃস্ব এবং আশাহীন করা।

  • Examples:
    1. It is not altogether uncommon to hear a reader whose heart has been desolated by the poignancy of a narrative complain that the writer is unemotional.

    2. Kumalo stood shocked at the frightening and desolating words.

adverb ক্রিয়া বিশেষণ

Desolately meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    in grief-stricken loneliness

    বিষাদগ্রস্ত একাকীত্বে

  • Synonyms

    disconsolately (disconsolately)