noun বিশেষ্য

Despicability meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    unworthiness by virtue of lacking higher values

    উচ্চ মূল্যবোধের অভাবের কারণে অযোগ্যতা

  • Synonyms

    baseness (ভিত্তি)

noun বিশেষ্য

Despicability meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. Despicableness.


  • Examples:
    1. Because it wasn’t quite clear what the parameters of the list were — Hotness? Naughtiness? Sexuality? Purity? — everyone was left to ponder, in their own way, how to get more popular, by balancing the various strands of admiration, fascination, respect, and despicability that comprise modern celebrity.

    2. Its short hind legs give a most ungainly gait, though it runs with surprising speed when pursued. Its unearthly howl adds to its despicability.

    3. Thoſe in accio and ozzo, indicate bigneſs as well as wickedneſs and deſpicability.