adverb ক্রিয়া বিশেষণ

Deucedly meaning in bengali


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    (used as intensives) extremely

    (নিবিড় হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত) অত্যন্ত

  • Synonyms

    madly (পাগল)

adverb ক্রিয়া বিশেষণ

Deucedly meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. Quite; extremely; utterly.

    বেশ; অত্যন্ত একেবারে

  • Examples:
    1. "Look above your head, Roger. Deucedly interesting, isn't it?" "Those insects, do you mean?"

    2. "You know, Kaspar," said he, in conclusion, to the excited Almayer, "it is deucedly awkward to have a half-caste girl in the house.

    3. Now I come to think of it, the case grows deucedly clear.

    4. Then you load them deucedly badly,' said Lord Wellington.