adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Diachronic meaning in bengali


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    used of the study of a phenomenon (especially language) as it changes through time

    সময়ের সাথে সাথে পরিবর্তিত হওয়ার সাথে সাথে একটি ঘটনা (বিশেষ করে ভাষা) অধ্যয়নের জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয়

  • Example

    diachronic linguistics

    ডায়াক্রোনিক ভাষাতত্ত্ব

  • Synonyms

    historical (ঐতিহাসিক)

adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Diachronic meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. Occurring over or changing with time.

    সময়ের সাথে সাথে ঘটছে বা পরিবর্তন হচ্ছে।

  • Examples:
    1. one salient value of archival magazine preservation is that individual issues register, however unintentionally, the small, incremental, diachronic movements within a culture.

  • 2. Of, pertaining to or concerned with changes that occur over time.

    সময়ের সাথে সাথে ঘটে যাওয়া পরিবর্তনগুলির সাথে সম্পর্কিত বা সংশ্লিষ্ট।

  • Examples:
    1. Consequently, the perspective will be more diachronic than synchronic.

    2. However, his interpretation and conclusion receive their rationale almost as often from the subjective horizon as the more diachronic oriented commentaries do.

    3. I also take a more diachronic perspective and relate the growth of empire to changes in the regional market system as they occurred in the transition from the Early Aztec to the Late Aztec periods.

    4. In short, it's usual for the syuzhet to appear more diachronic at the beginning and more synchronic at the end.

    5. It is plain that natural science has developed more diachronic concern, more of the longer historical approach in its interests and repertory, in the last two centuries than in the two millennia before.

    6. Rethinking the revolution issue is therefore the key to any novel interpretation, but it needs to be addressed in a more diachronic and synchronic fashion, comparing the Wende to earlier German upheavals and to the concurrent transformation of East Central Europe.

  • Synonyms

    diachronical (দ্বিমুখী)

    diachronically (diachronically)

    diachronic linguistics (ডায়াক্রোনিক ভাষাতত্ত্ব)

noun বিশেষ্য

Diachronic linguistics meaning in bengali

ডায়াক্রোনিক ভাষাতত্ত্ব

  • Definition

    the study of linguistic change

    ভাষাগত পরিবর্তনের অধ্যয়ন

  • Synonyms

    historical linguistics (ঐতিহাসিক ভাষাতত্ত্ব)