verb ক্রিয়া বা কাজ

Dibble meaning in bengali

বিদ্ধ করা

  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    make a hole with a wooden hand tool

    একটি কাঠের হাত সরঞ্জাম দিয়ে একটি গর্ত তৈরি করুন

  • Example

    dibble the ground

    স্থল ছিন্নভিন্ন করা

verb ক্রিয়া বা কাজ

Dibble meaning in bengali

বিদ্ধ করা

  • Definition

    plant with a wooden hand tool

    একটি কাঠের হাত সরঞ্জাম দিয়ে উদ্ভিদ

  • Example

    dibble Spring bulbs

    dibble বসন্ত বাল্ব

noun বিশেষ্য

Dibble meaning in bengali

বিদ্ধ করা

  • Definition

    a wooden hand tool with a pointed end

    একটি সূক্ষ্ম প্রান্ত সহ একটি কাঠের হাত সরঞ্জাম

  • Synonyms

    dibber (ডিবার)

verb ক্রিয়া বা কাজ

Dibble meaning in bengali

বিদ্ধ করা

  • Definitions

    1. To make holes or plant seeds using, or as if using, a dibble.

    গর্ত বা উদ্ভিদ বীজ ব্যবহার করে, বা ব্যবহার হিসাবে, একটি ডিবল করতে.

  • Examples:
    1. And as in winter, when the frost breaks up, / At winter's end, before the spring begins, / And a warm west wind blows, and thaw sets in— / After an hour a dripping sound is heard / In all the forests, and the soft-strewn snow / Under the trees is dibbled thick with holes, / And from the boughs the snowloads shuffle down;

    2. It was Digory who had the bright idea of eating four each and planting the ninth; for, as he said, "if the bar off the lamp-post turned into a little light-tree, why shouldn’t this turn into a toffee-tree?" So they dibbled a small hole in the turf and buried the piece of toffee.

  • 2. To use a dibble; to make holes in the soil.

    একটি dibble ব্যবহার করতে; মাটিতে গর্ত করতে।

  • Examples:
    1. I would as soon be gored by my ain bull that gangs on Dalmakittenleys, as have ill luck, and sorrow, and mischance, drilled and dibbled into my frail body by the spiteful een of an auld hag.

    2. There is another method of ſowing wheat in rows uſed in ſome counties, which is termed dibbling in the language of agricultors, and consiſts in making perpendicular holes one inch and half or two inches deep, as is commonly done in planting potato-roots; theſe holes are made by a man, who has a proper ſtaff ſhod with iron in each hand, and as he walks backwards is able by looking at the part of the row already made to keep nearly in a ſtraight line, and to make two holes at once at about nine inches diſtant from each other every way.

  • 3. To dib or dip frequently, as in angling.

    ঘন ঘন ডিব বা ডিপ করা, যেমন অ্যাঙ্গলিংয়ে।

  • Examples:
    1. And neere to them ye see the lesser dibling Teale

    2. Natural fly-fishing, which comes under the heads of dibbling, daping and dabbing, is a method with which the largest fish are taken, and requires a deal of nicety and circumspection. The general rule in this way of angling is to fish with a line about half the length of your rod; but if there is wind stirring, with as much as it will carry out; but you need hardly ever fish with more than the first length, as dibbling must be performed as near as possible to the bank that you stand on; therefore a long rod and a short line is the best, which you will command with ease, and be able to shelter yourself from the sight of the fishes, behind bushes, stumps of trees, &c. The line you dib with should be very strong; for when you have struck a good fish, you will have a hard bout with him before you kill him, for want of a greater length of line:

noun বিশেষ্য

Dibble meaning in bengali

বিদ্ধ করা

  • Definitions

    1. A pointed implement used to make holes in the ground in which to set out plants or to plant seeds.

    মাটিতে গর্ত তৈরি করতে ব্যবহৃত একটি সূক্ষ্ম সরঞ্জাম যেখানে গাছপালা স্থাপন বা বীজ রোপণ করা হয়।

  • Examples:
    1. Earth'd up, here lies an imp o' hell, / Planted by Satan's dibble— / Poor silly wretch, he's damned himsel', / To save the Lord the trouble.

    2. In sowing time ne'er would I dibble take, / Or drop a seed, till thou wast wide awake;

    3. Pol[ixenes] Then make you[r] Garden rich in Gilly'vors, / And do not call them baſtards. / Per[dita] Ile not put / The Dible in earth, to ſet one ſlip of them: