noun বিশেষ্য

Digger meaning in bengali


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    a machine for excavating

    খনন করার জন্য একটি মেশিন

  • Synonyms

    excavator (খননকারী)

noun বিশেষ্য

Digger meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    a laborer who digs

    একজন শ্রমিক যিনি খনন করেন

noun বিশেষ্য

Digger meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. A tool for digging.

    খননের জন্য একটি হাতিয়ার।

  • Examples:
    1. The post hole digger did look ancient. I was pretty certain myself that it hadn′t dug any holes for a long, long time.

  • 2. One who digs.

    যে খনন করে।

  • Examples:
    1. Most retrievers are not inveterate diggers — that′s a trait usually reserved for other breeds like wire-haired terriers and schnauzers.

    2. You′ve tried the supposedly sure method of squirting the digger with water from a hose, and that hasn′t worked. This step will discourage 99 percent of the diggers.

  • 3. A gold miner, one who digs for gold.

    একজন সোনার খনি, যিনি সোনার জন্য খনন করেন।

  • Examples:
    1. A successful Australian digger — successful, not merely in siftings and washings, but bearing the title, and its best credentials, of a “nuggetter” − came down from Forest Creek recently and took up his abode in a low lodging-house in Little Bourke Street, Melbourne.

    2. Proofs of the presence of the white man are found all over the Territory in the shape of old bouilli tins, &c., and often when out after a strayed horse, I have imagined myself to be in wilds untrodden except by the foot of the blackfellow, but the sight of an unassuming empty sardine tin would remind me that the ubiquitous digger had been there first.

  • 4. An Australian soldier.

    একজন অস্ট্রেলিয়ান সৈনিক।

  • Examples:
    1. Costume played a key part in his differentiation from British soldiers as the Digger uniform came to embody Australian versions of masculinity and mateship.

    2. For many, the congruencies of the Anzac legend and the diggers who served in Vietnam were slight, too slight, and the legend seemed unable to accommodate them.

    3. Like many other Queensland communities, the workers from the North Ipswich Railway Workshops chose a statue of a soldier, or digger, to honour their fellow workers.

  • Synonyms

    gold-digger (স্বর্ণের খনক)

    Diggers Rest (Diggers বিশ্রাম)

    digger pine (পাইন খননকারী)

    mussel digger (ঝিনুক খননকারী)

    prat digger (prat খননকারী)

    gold digger (স্বর্ণের খনক)

    gravedigger (কবর খনক)

    mini digger (মিনি খননকারী)

    gum-digger (গাম-খননকারী)

    crate-digger (ক্রেট-খননকারী)

    digger wasp (খননকারী wasp)

    golddigger (স্বর্ণের খনক)

    fame digger (খ্যাতি খননকারী)

noun বিশেষ্য

Digger wasp meaning in bengali

খননকারী wasp

  • Definition

    solitary wasp that digs nests in the soil and stocks them with paralyzed insects for the larvae

    নির্জন ভেসপ যা মাটিতে বাসা খনন করে এবং লার্ভার জন্য পক্ষাঘাতগ্রস্ত পোকামাকড় দিয়ে মজুত করে