adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Dinkum meaning in bengali


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    genuine; the real thing

    অকৃত্রিম; আসল জিনিস

adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Dinkum meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. Genuine, true, honest, on the level.

    প্রকৃত, সত্য, সৎ, স্তরে.

  • Examples:
    1. Larry's jeep was behind mine, and as I went past an intersection, I saw a lot of their chaps around a dinkum super Mark VI tank — p'raps a Mark VII or VIII. I didn't have a chance for a proper dinkum look-see, what?

    2. Mr. MAY: The ultimate result showed how dinkum the hon. member was.

    3. The dinkum Aussie everyone talks about, almost always with a certain unreal sentimentality, is clearly a worker.

    4. ‘Tim, is this game dinkum?’ asked Ted.$V$Highly indignant that such a suspicion should arise, he replied angrily:$V$‘Of course it's dinkum. They'll have loaded dice too!’

  • Synonyms

    dinky-die (dinky-ডাই)

    fair dinkum (ন্যায্য ডিঙ্কুম)

    dinkum oil (ডিঙ্কাম তেল)

    straight dinkum (সোজা ডিঙ্কুম)

noun বিশেষ্য

Dinkum meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. Truth.


  • Examples:
    1. You look real jockey — thats' the dinkum.