adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Dioecious meaning in bengali


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    having male and female reproductive organs in separate plants or animals

    পৃথক উদ্ভিদ বা প্রাণীর মধ্যে পুরুষ এবং মহিলা প্রজনন অঙ্গ থাকা

  • Synonyms

    dioecian (ডায়েশিয়ান)

adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Dioecious meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. Having the male and female reproductive organs on separate plants (of the same species) rather than different parts of the same plant.

    একই উদ্ভিদের বিভিন্ন অংশের পরিবর্তে পৃথক উদ্ভিদে (একই প্রজাতির) পুরুষ ও মহিলা প্রজনন অঙ্গ থাকা।

  • Examples:
    1. Most plants are hermaphrodite, even if some of them (hazel, for example) keep their male and female flowers apart. But some plants are dioecious, i.e. they have separate sexes. Some of our most familiar wild plants, such as nettle and red campion, are dioecious. If your holly never has any berries, that's probably because it's a male.

  • Synonyms

    synoecious (synoecious)

    monoecious (একচেটিয়া)

    gynodioecious (gynodioecious)

    dioeciously (dioeciously)

    subdioecious (subdioecious)