noun বিশেষ্য

Directivity meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    the property of a microphone or antenna of being more sensitive in one direction than in another

    একটি মাইক্রোফোন বা অ্যান্টেনার সম্পত্তি অন্য দিকের চেয়ে এক দিকে বেশি সংবেদনশীল

  • Example

    the antenna received signals with no directivity

    অ্যান্টেনা কোন নির্দেশনা ছাড়াই সংকেত পেয়েছে

  • Synonyms

    directionality (দিকনির্দেশনা)

noun বিশেষ্য

Directivity meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    the quality of being directive

    নির্দেশক হওয়ার গুণমান

  • Synonyms

    directiveness (নির্দেশ)

noun বিশেষ্য

Directivity meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. Directionality


  • Examples:
    1. First we renounced the directivity of the velocity measurement by using a hot point whose size is of order of the wire diameter [4]. Numerical simulations have shown that the probe then measures the velocity modulus [5].

    2. For higher degrees, the spatial integration tends to produce a cancellation and a rapid loss of visibility, although less rapidly for velocity measurement than for luminosity measurement, on account of the directivity of the velocity vector.

    3. That is, in order to begin to function synchronously in a new manifestation mode ( to drastically change the vector directivity of the Focus Dynamics), Formo- Creators of billions of particles must “die”: