verb ক্রিয়া বা কাজ

Disport meaning in bengali


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    play boisterously

    উদ্ধতভাবে খেলা

  • Synonyms

    lark (লার্ক)

verb ক্রিয়া বা কাজ

Disport meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion

    একটি সম্মত, বিনোদনমূলক বা মনোরম ফ্যাশনে দখল করুন

  • Synonyms

    amuse (বিনোদন)

verb ক্রিয়া বা কাজ

Disport meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. To amuse oneself divertingly or playfully; in particular, to cavort or gambol.

    অন্যমনস্কভাবে বা খেলাধুলা করা; বিশেষ করে, ক্যাভর্ট বা জুয়া খেলা।

  • Examples:
    1. Afterward, as appeareth by Euſtachius, there was ſome Greekes diſported themſelues herein, as he which turned Atlas for his heauie burthen in ſupporting Heauen, to Talas, that is, Wretched; Arete, Vertue, into Erate, that is, Louely; Ilaros, Merrie, into Liaros, that is, warme.

    2. Childe Harold bask'd him in the noon-tide sun, / Disporting there like any other fly; / Nor deem'd before his little day was done / One blast might chill him into misery.

    3. Concern—and consternation—about the flapper are general. She disports herself flagrantly in the public eye, and there is no keeping her out of grown-up company or conversation.

    4. For my part, I love not to disport myself at the weakness of any man, or to turn his folly into laughter: for what were this, but to reflect dishonour upon the same nature, wherein he partakes with myself?

    5. He ſummons ſtrait his Denizens of air; / The lucid ſquadrons round the ſails repair: / / Looſe to the wind their airy garments flew, / Thin glitt'ring textures of the filmy dew; / Dipt in the richeſt tincture of the skies, / Where light diſports in ever-mingling dies,

    6. In the silent watches of the night, calm night that breedeth thoughts, / When the task-weary mind disporteth in the careless play-hours of sleep, / I dreamed;

    7. It was there [Cadiz, Spain] that on Sunday I had seen the populace disport itself, and it was full of life then, gay and insouciant.

    8. O soul, voyagest thou indeed on voyages like those? / Disportest thou on waters such as those?

    9. What generous, ardent, imaginative soul has not a secret pleasure-place in which it disports?

    10. [B]eautiful bays, where the transparent waves leap one after another on the sand, leaving behind them wreaths of foam, or playfully clasp the pointed rocks, like beautiful sea-nymphs disporting themselves in the joyous sunlight;

    11. [T]he political activity which produced the rebellion against the Stuarts, saved the Scotch mind from stagnating, When the contest was ended, and peace was restored, the faculties which, for three generations, had been exercised in resisting the executive authority, sought other employment, and found another field in which they could disport themselves. Hence it was, that the boldness which, in the seventeenth century, was practical, became, in the eighteenth century, speculative, and produced a literature, which attempted to unsettle former opinions, and to disturb the ancient landmarks of the human mind.

noun বিশেষ্য

Disport meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. Anything which diverts one from serious matters; a game, a pastime, a sport.

    যে কোনো বিষয় যা একজনকে গুরুতর বিষয় থেকে দূরে সরিয়ে দেয়; একটি খেলা, একটি বিনোদন, একটি খেলা।

  • Examples:
    1. It hath beene very frequent with the Kings of England, France, and other Princes, for triall of their man hood, to runne at Iouſts, and fight at Barriers, not onely with forraigners, but with their owne valianteſt Lords and Knights, of which there are various Examples. In theſe Martiall diſports, by the very Law of Armes, theſe Subjects have not onely defended themſelves againſt their kings aſſaults and blowes; but retorted lance for lance, ſtroke for ſtroke, and ſometimes unhorſed, diſarmed, and wounded their Kings,

  • 2. The way one carries oneself; bearing, carriage, deportment.

    যেভাবে একজন নিজেকে বহন করে; bearing, carriage, deportment.

  • Examples:
    1. [Y]et have I carried myſelf towards thee in ſuch fanciful guiſe of careleſs diſport, that right ſore am I aſhamed now to entreat thy lenity ſeriouſly—

  • 3. Bearing, elevation, orientation.

    ভারবহন, উচ্চতা, অভিযোজন।

  • Examples:
    1. shooting a bullet ... out of a Culverin towards the East, and afterwards another, with the same charge, and at the same elevation or disport towards the West.