adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Disused meaning in bengali


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    no longer in use

    আর ব্যবহারে নেই

  • Synonyms

    obsolete (অপ্রচলিত)

adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Disused meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. No longer in use.

    আর ব্যবহারে নেই।

  • Examples:
    1. All around in shadow lurked the shapes of trunks, wooden boxes, furniture, disused and broken.

    2. And now Love sang: but his was such a song,$V$So meshed with half-remembrance hard to free,$V$As souls disused in death’s sterility$V$May sing when the new birthday tarries long.

    3. But as time & experience do reforme euery thing that is amisse, so this bitter poeme called the old Comedy, being disused and taken away, the new Comedy came in place, more ciuill and pleasant a great deale and not touching any man by name, but in a certain generalitie glancing at euery abuse,

    4. In Scotland the custom, now disused in England, of inviting the relations of the deceased to the interment is universally retained.

    5. The breath that stirred his lips he soon resigned$V$To windy chaos, and we only find$V$The garnered husks of his disusèd words.

    6. The old station buildings and train shed at Redcar Central were taken out of use around 30 years ago and became a business centre, but are currently disused. Redcar & Cleveland Council has plans to improve the station, including better passenger facilities and retail units.

    7. The tables, for instance, were to be covered with baize, but when the patron found that baize was expensive he bought instead disused army blankets, smelling incorrigibly of sweat.

    8. the disused, wrecked Byzantine churches that brooded, forlorn, lovely, ravished and apostate ghosts, about the hills and shores of that lost empire.