verb ক্রিয়া বা কাজ

Endow meaning in bengali


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    furnish with an endowment

    একটি এনডোমেন্ট দিয়ে সজ্জিত করা

  • Synonyms

    dower (মোহরানা)

verb ক্রিয়া বা কাজ

Endow meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    give qualities or abilities to

    গুণাবলী বা ক্ষমতা দিন

  • Synonyms

    gift (উপহার)

verb ক্রিয়া বা কাজ

Endow meaning in bengali


  • Definitions

    1. To give property to (someone) as a gift; specifically, to provide (a person or institution) with support in the form of a permanent fund of money or other benefits.

    উপহার হিসাবে (কাউকে) সম্পত্তি দেওয়া; বিশেষভাবে, অর্থের স্থায়ী তহবিল বা অন্যান্য সুবিধার আকারে সহায়তা (একটি ব্যক্তি বা প্রতিষ্ঠান) প্রদান করা।

  • Examples:
    1. Finding her quite incorrigible in this respect, Emma suffered her to depart; but not before she had confided to her that important and never-sufficiently-to-be-taken-care-of answer, and endowed her moreover with a pretty little bracelet as a keepsake.

    2. His [John, King of England's] Acts and Orders for the Weale-publike were beyond moſt: he being either the firſt, or the chiefeſt, who appointed thoſe noble Formes of Ciuill gouernement in London, and moſt Citties, & Incorporate Townes of England, endowing them alſo with their greateſt Franchiſes;

    3. Men began to build Churches on their own Grounds, at their own Charges, and to endow theſe; and they were naturally the Maſters, and in the true Signification of the Roman word, the Patrons of them.

    4. The blessing of private initiative for public affairs is destined to be appreciated more deeply. Empty government coffers and a regular exchange of views with experts from all over the world add impetus, even if concepts developed indigenously sometimes still lack a realistic approach to the vital issue of endowing and funding new foundations.

  • 2. Followed by with, or rarely by of: to enrich or furnish with some faculty or quality.

    দ্বারা অনুসরণ করা, বা খুব কমই এর দ্বারা: কিছু অনুষদ বা গুণমান সমৃদ্ধ বা সজ্জিত করা।

  • Examples:
    1. Father Omnipotent, our Lord and only Redeemer, / with thy grace my ſpirit endow:

    2. Firſt, it is needfull that we be indowed with humility of ſpirit, that denying our owne ſelves and carnall reaſon, wee may ſubmit to take ſuch ſence and meaning of the Scripture, as it of it ſelfe affords, with the aſſiſtance of the helps of the Church; and not to impoſe upon it any ſenſe of our owne making;

    3. General relativity endows spacetime with a causal structure described by observer-invariant light cones. Points inside a light cone are causally connected with its vertex, while points outside the same light cone are out-of-causal contact with its vertex.

    4. I am weak; but surely the spirits who assist my vengeance will endow me with sufficient strength.

    5. It's bulging with giant confidence and packed with outbursts of that mysterious epiphanic grandeur, like moments of sunlight breaking through cloud-cover, with which [Jacques] Audiard endows apparently normal sequences and everyday details.

    6. Just as we may endow people with physical properties, so we sometimes endow physical objects with human-like personalities or subjective states. Perhaps because of their capacity for interior accommodation, cars, ships, airplanes and even houses are often given female characteristics or referred to as 'she'.

    7. Thus was he [John Boyle O'Reilly] fitted to fulfill worthily the vocation of a poet. For it is not aimlessly that Divine Providence endows a human being with qualities so exceptional and exalted.

    8. Vpon her eyelids many Graces ſate, / Vnder the ſhadow of her euen browes, / VVorking belgardes [beautiful looks], and amorous retrate [portrait], / And euerie one her with a grace endowes:

    9. Wherby we bith lerned þat it shalnot only be goode to owre prince, but also to vs selff, that he be well indowed; ffor ellis the patriarke wolde not haue made such a trety. Whereby we have learned that it shall not only be good to our prince, but also to ourselves, that he be well endowed; for else the patriarch would not have made such a treaty.]$V$Whereby we have learned that it shall not only be good to our prince, but also to ourselves, that he be well endowed; for else the patriarch would not have made such a treaty.]

    10. [A]midst so many vicissitudes of fortune to which I have been exposed, amongst all the goods and evils, the joyful and gloomy, the pleasing and disagreeable circumstances of life, thou [God] endowest me with an equal, constant, manly, and superior spirit on every occasion.

    11. [P]roper use of sensory feedback is required to grant the industrial robot the required sensing capabilities and to endow it with the intelligence needed for detecting and adjusting to environmental disturbances.

    12. [T]he sculptor lifted it [a round block of stone], turned it hither and thither in his hands, brushed off the clinging soil, and finally placed it on the slender neck of the newly discovered statue. The effect was magical. It immediately lighted up and vivified the whole figure, endowing it with personality, soul, and intelligence.

  • 3. Usually in the passive: to naturally furnish (with something).

    সাধারণত নিষ্ক্রিয় মধ্যে: স্বাভাবিকভাবে (কিছু দিয়ে) সজ্জিত করা।

  • Examples:
    1. She was endowed with a beautiful voice.

    2. A few naturalists, endowed with much flexibility of mind, and who have already begun to doubt on the immutability of species, may be influenced by this volume; but I look with confidence to the future, to young and rising naturalists, who will be able to view both sides of the question with impartiality.

    3. A young violinist, thirteen years old—Mischa Elman—made his first appearance in Paris on April 2nd, in his own concert at the Salle de Agriculteurs. Mischa Elman, indeed, is endowed with most precious gifts, for his art combines the legendary virtuosity of [Niccolò] Paganini with the fulness of sound, the purity of style, and the nobility of expression of [Joseph] Joachim.

    4. And thus shal the aged Courtier, although he exercise not the qualities that he is indowed withal, comebye his ende at length, to instructe well hys Prince.

    5. He [Richard Watson] produced many chemical, phyſical, and metaphyſical reaſons, which ſeem to render the ſuppoſition not altogether indefenſible, that vegetables are endowed with the faculty of perception.

    6. [T]he late Monſ. Du Faye [i.e., Charles François de Cisternay du Fay] obſerv'd, that there were two Sorts of Electricity, and that Bodies which are endow'd with one Sort of Electricity attract thoſe which are endow'd with the other Sort of Electricity, whilſt they repel thoſe which have the ſame Electricity.

  • 4. To provide with a dower (“the portion that a widow receives from her deceased husband's property”) or a dowry (“property given to a bride”).

    একটি যৌতুক প্রদান করা ("একজন বিধবা তার মৃত স্বামীর সম্পত্তি থেকে যে অংশ পায়") বা যৌতুক ("কনেকে দেওয়া সম্পত্তি")।

  • Examples:
    1. A widow may be endowed of all her husband's lands, tenements, and hereditaments, corporeal or incorporeal, under the restrictions before-mentioned, unless there be some special reason to the contrary. Thus, a woman shall not be endowed of a castle built for defence of the realm, because it ought not to be divided. But of a castle that is only for the private use and habitation of the owner, a woman shall be endowed.

    2. Also if a man ſeiſed in Fee Simple beeing within age endoweth his wife at the Monaſterie or Church doore, and dieth, and his wife enter, in this caſe the heire of the huſband may out her. But otherwiſe it is, (as it ſeemeth) where the father is ſeiſed in fee, and the ſonne within age endoweth his wife ex aſſenſu patris, the Father being then of full age.

    3. And if a man entice a maide that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he ſhall ſurely endow her to be his wife. If her father utterly refuſe to giue her vnto him, he ſhall pay money according to the dowrie of virgins.

    4. [T]he reaſon, which our law gives for adopting it [i.e., dower], is a very plain and a ſenſible one; for the ſuſtenance of the wife, and the nurture and education of the younger children. 1. Who may be endowed. She muſt be the actual wife of the party at the time of the deceaſe. If ſhe be divorced a vinculo matrimonii, ſhe ſhall not be endowed;

  • Synonyms

    endowment (দান)

    endower (প্রদান করা)

    endowment policy (এনডাউমেন্ট নীতি)

    endowable (দানযোগ্য)

    well-endowed (ভাল-সমস্ত)

    unendowed (অননুমোদিত)

noun বিশেষ্য

Endowment insurance meaning in bengali

সম্পত্তি বীমা

  • Definition

    life insurance for a specified amount which is payable to the insured person at the expiration of a certain period of time or to a designated beneficiary immediately upon the death of the insured

    একটি নির্দিষ্ট পরিমাণের জন্য জীবন বীমা যা একটি নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের মেয়াদ শেষ হলে বীমাকৃত ব্যক্তির কাছে প্রদেয় হয় বা বীমাকৃত ব্যক্তির মৃত্যুর সাথে সাথে একজন মনোনীত সুবিধাভোগীকে

noun বিশেষ্য

Endowment meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    the act of endowing with a permanent source of income

    আয়ের একটি স্থায়ী উৎস দিয়ে দান করার কাজ

  • Definition

    Their generous endowment of the laboratory came just in the nick of time.

    গবেষণাগারের তাদের উদার দান ঠিক সময়ের সাথে সাথে এসেছিল।

noun বিশেষ্য

Endowment meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    natural abilities or qualities

    প্রাকৃতিক ক্ষমতা বা গুণাবলী

  • Synonyms

    gift (উপহার)

noun বিশেষ্য

Endowment meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    the capital that provides income for an institution

    মূলধন যা একটি প্রতিষ্ঠানের জন্য আয় প্রদান করে

  • Synonyms

    endowment fund (বৃত্তির তহবিল)

adjective নাম বিশেষণ

Endowed meaning in bengali


  • Definition

    provided, supplied or equipped, especially as by inheritance or nature

    প্রদত্ত, সরবরাহ করা বা সজ্জিত, বিশেষত উত্তরাধিকার বা প্রকৃতি দ্বারা

  • Definition

    Ivy League schools are well-endowed.

    আইভি লিগের স্কুলগুলো সুপ্রতিষ্ঠিত।

noun বিশেষ্য

Endowment fund meaning in bengali

বৃত্তির তহবিল

  • Definition

    the capital that provides income for an institution

    মূলধন যা একটি প্রতিষ্ঠানের জন্য আয় প্রদান করে

  • Synonyms

    endowment (দান)