adverb क्रियाविशेशण

BC meaning in konkani


  • Definition

    before the Christian era

    किरिस्तांव काळापयलीं

  • Synonyms

    B.C. (इ.स.प)

    before Christ (क्रिस्ता पयलीं)

adverb क्रियाविशेशण

BC meaning in konkani


  • Definitions

    1. Initialism of Before Christ.

    क्रिस्ता पयलींचो आरंभवाद.

  • Examples:
    1. [...]Hi vang, King of Yen and of Corea, was defeated, taken and killed in the Year 259 before the Birth of Chriſt, according to the Chineſe Hiſtory, and Tſin vang was acknowledged for Emperor of all China by the Name of Tſin chi hoang ti.]